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Revenue posting from RAR to FI-GL in both the ledgers USGAAP & Local GAAP

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have a situation here. In my FI-GL configuration, we are using Ledger approach which means we have leading ledger 0L assigned to accounting principle US & 2L (non-leading) assigned to LGAAP accounting principle. The mapping of ledger to accounting principle is 1:1 at co. code level.

Now, in RAR we want to assign co. code to accounting principles. We have assigned US accounting principle to our co. code. So when we are trying to run the program FARR_REV_POST to transfer the revenue (result of program FARR_REV_TRANSFER) & Deferred/Unbilled (result of program FARR_LIABILITY_CALC) to FI-GL, it is posting only to one ledger 0L. But we would like these postings to transfer to FI-GL in both ledger 0L & 2L. How do we achieve that? In my opinion, this is a standard business scenario & SAP must have provided a standard solution to handle this in RAR.

We need this urgently to complete our POC. Any pointers will be highly appreciated.


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0 Kudos

Hi Xin,

Adding 2L to the ledger group of OL will affect other postings as well right? Is there a way to restrict this to RAR posting alone(doc type restriction or something)?



0 Kudos

Hi Kumar,

Actually RAR posting logic is as follows:

1. It finds the accounting principles of a given company code according to the customizing in RAR.

2. For each of the accounting principles, it finds the ledger group of the accounting principles

3. Then it posts to all ledgers in the ledger group.

So this means you can assign the ledger group to the accounting principle and add the relevant ledger into the leger group.

Can you try to add 2L to the ledger group of 0L?

Best Regards

Xin Fang