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Work From Home

Active Contributor

Hi Everyone!

Who is enjoying Work from home these days 🙂 😉

#wfh #sap #office


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @RAHEEL_BABAR - I like working from home, as I can sit in the backyard and enjoy the summery feeling while working. On the other hand I'm also looking forward to soon go back to the office once a week and meet colleagues in person. For me personally, it is quite a different feeling to work from the office (maybe because I am not really used to it anymore). 

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Thanks, for your comment @lenastodal , these days I'm working from the office. but really miss working from home 😋


I have my little one with me, so work from home is a rollercoaster ride 🙂 While I enjoy most of it, at times it gets crazy!! I echo Lena's thoughts tough, while I enjoy work from home very much I want to go back to office once or twice a week. My kid is starting school next week, so I plan to go to office intermittently. Miss those coffee breaks, those random kitchen talks, those high fives, those post lunch walks 😞 

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Community Advocate


I'm working from home. I went to the office today to collect/return IT equipment and all the memories came flooding back to me - especially all the distractions (some good) like going for a cup of tea and chat with a work colleague, and the lunch-time aroma wafting down from the canteen! Open plan offices can sometimes be noisy - so I can safely say I'm way more focussed on the days I work from home. 😊

Thanks for the discussion starter!

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Office time is always memorable for me 🙂 😃

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Product and Topic Expert


I am working from home since January 2017 and I like it.

0 Kudos

Wow 😳

Active Contributor

I've been working from home forever and a day.   That translates to over 12 years.   There are so many benefits to doing so.   The fates willing I hope I never have to work in an office setting again.   I know never say never because everything changes so quickly.

I enjoy:

  • Looking out the window at the open fields.   Seeing the birds, bunnies, deer, my horses, and occasionally other critters that stop by.   Not so happy when a skunk passes through.  But yell at my husband not to let the dogs out.  My house isn't that big so wherever he is - if he is inside - he can hear me.
  • Having a totally messy desk.  That I can make sense of but no one else can.
  • Not get dressed in classical "work clothes".   Sweats and a T-shirt for me.
  • Music turned up while working.
  • Lunches with my husband.
  • My dogs listening to my speeches.   The cats really don't make a good audience.
  • My printer right next to me.
  • Working late isn't a big deal unless it's all of the time.
  • Sometimes saying not so lady like things at my e-mail or development.
  • Being able to think without pretending to be busy to.   Trust me - just thinking it out does help.
  • Having the comfy office chair without someone "borrowing it".
  • Not having to book conference rooms.  I have all of them on line.
  • The bathroom is right next to me - but I don't have to grumble about.   There isn't any traffic going through.
  • Not chatting with co-workers when I have a million and one things to do.  

I'm sure there is so many more things I could write.   I could also write a book about the advantages of working from home.  🙂  But keep in mind I do occasionally go into work.  It's about a 6 hour drive so that's not fun.

0 Kudos

That's really great 🙂 

Active Participant

We have mixed WFO and WFH recently, for me personally, for now I enjoy more by being in the office.

Don't get me wrong, I totally love WFH, unfortunately for now, I don't have dedicated space for WFH, so I would work in the bedroom, sits on the floor, that tired me quickly, I feel so sleepy throughout the day as I just work next to bed. Purchasing work desk would not be feasible as I don't have enough space 😅

Maybe someday if I could rent slightly bigger house I would enjoy WFH more, but for now, I prefer in the office.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Yes, you're right: WFH needs enough space and, if possible a dedicated room.
Another tip from my experience: have a break in the middle of your morning and afternoon. Go outside, have a 10 min walk in your neighborhood to relax before finishing your half day.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Great thread and great insights 🙂
Especially your advantages @Former Member 😁
I used to work from home twice the week in the past years and since March 2020 I work from home everyday. As my ride to the office is approx. 1 hour (sometimes a bit less) it's absolutely time saving. We have a good set-up at home, my husband is here as well. From my 4 days working week, I have 2 days in the living room with a dedicated desk, all well equipped, and 2 days in our "office" in the souterrain, where I can close the door. I love that my family is around me after kids come from school. I miss my colleagues, who I used to met for a coffee! But all are in home office or spread around the world, so why should I go to the office? I think I am more productive working from home, most of the times I am not distracted and can concentrate very well. However, having said that, I would love to go to the office from time to time - just to see some other faces or the colleagues on the same floor... let's see, maybe I can manage to go at least once a week 😉  

Love the tip from @PierreCol : I try to do some calls while walking, especially those, where I need to talk only and do not need any screen sharing or notes. 

I think we need to be more creative with our work from home:
- have a nice lunch break, maybe in a restaurant
- spend some time outside either during a call or in between
- shift working hours and use the days in summer and work more in the evenings
- start really early and finish early to enjoy a nice summer evening
- start your day with Yoga, meditation or a workout and work longer instead
 and many more.

BTW: what I don't like working from home is the cooking 😅

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Active Contributor

Working from home is the best that covid has brought us

Active Contributor

Working from home for past several month.

At this point it's "must have" for me.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Nearly nobody of my team is in office, even in the recent months with most/all restrictions lifted. So there is no reason for me to go there. No mandatory office days in my team.

I hear from other teams that they have mandatory days in office to improve teamwork, culture, ... 
However if meeting face to face is sooo important in a team ... why do we have teams spread across continents with no travel budget? Management shall co-locate teams first and only then mandate employees to come to the office.

Active Contributor

I must say, Work From Home is a blessing, specially for the people who belong to a populated city and used to waste a couple of hours just in commuting to office.

Work From Home in such cases hasn't only increased the productivity but is helping our nature in saving the environment as well.



I totally agree with you @Harish_Vatsa - we saw during Covid times when people had to stay at home how much nature thrived. Commuting can be soul destroying if there are traffic jams - especially when you can be more productive working from home - so it's getting the balance right somehow. Still nice to meet up with your team when possible too 🙂 

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Hi, I am currently learning SAP in order to have a Home-Office Job. Do you have some suggestions?


Suggestions how to learn SAP @OanaConstantin ? I would recommend to follow our Training tag to get updates and for sure you should have a look into our SAP Learning Hub!

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