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My colleagues on the Employer Branding Team have been posting a series of Elevator Pitch videos on the Life at SAP Facebook. This got me thinking; what's my elevator pitch?

In the same way a cover letter alongside your CV ensures you stand out, an elevator pitch in a networking or interview scenario ensures you succinctly get across what you stand for. Career coach Jenn Dewall explained to Glassdoor that “an elevator pitch is a brief summary explaining who you are, and it’s a way to get to know someone in a professional way”.

So how do you craft your pitch?

Think about what message you want to get across, and what you want to achieve with your pitch. The best pitches offer a solution to a problem; so how are you offering yourself as the solution to a problem and what are the high skills you want to highlight? You will not have time to relay a history of your accomplishments, so what’s your headline?

It can help to write down your pitch. This will help you remember it, practice it, and develop it for different audiences. Think about how you’ll use it – with clients, prospective hiring managers, peers at networking events – all these people need to receive the information in slightly different tones but the message stays the same, it’s all about you and making you stand out. Deliver your pitch with confidence and leave the audience wanting more, or even better make them want to take action i.e. hire you! Think about how you can end the pitch on such a note and make an impression. Be honest and genuine and sell yourself!

Remember though, the name ‘elevator pitch’ means it should be short enough to be delivered on an elevator ride. So, if you only had 30-60 seconds to sell yourself, what would you say?

I'm going to work on mine for those times I have to introduce myself on conference calls. Where will you use yours?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
My elevator pitch as a consultant is "my aim is to make myself redundant or find a new challenge to help you with"


As a consultant, my client wants to know the value proposite. A key difference I see between being a contractor and a consultant is that I'm hear to help my client become self-supporting. My goal is not to stay around doing the same work for them.


I'm brought in to fix issues, get them back on their feet, or help them plan ahead to something bigger and better. I'm not hear to design, build and deliver something so complicated that they have no idea and need to keep me there forever.


This elevator pitch is about being a value add and cost-effective for them 🙂

Thanks for sharing Colleen, I love the opening line as this really makes people want to know more!