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Tcode STAT

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

<u>Question 1:</u>

Would like to check with you instead of using Tcode STAT(online) to pull the most recent executed program, is there a FM/any tools available?

My intention is, to execute my customize program in background mode to extract the list. Because im having 1000++ programs that i need to access where manual way by using TCode STAT is very+++ difficult to achieve.

<u>Question 2:</u>

May i know what is the retention period for the log that keep in the system? Is there a way to check?

Please comment for the above.

Thanks in advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Check the below FM:






Former Member
0 Kudos

You can use the Function module SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC for getting the statistics of the executed programs.The data to be passed to the Function module can be retrieved using the Function module SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_DIRECTORY.

Loop through the dir(internal table) returned by FM SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_DIRECTORY and call the function module SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC .

Hope this helps.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Imtiaz Ahmed, Prakash. Im in the midst of testing on the FMs that mentioned by you guys.

In the mean time, im checking the table(s) to stored all the customize objects where included program, sapscript, smartforms.

I know table TRDIR used to stored objects for Program, but how about sapscript and smartforms?

Instead of looking for tables, do you know which FM(s) that i can use to achieve the search for customize objects for Program, Sapscript and Smartforms?

Pls comment.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Imtiaz Ahmed, Prakash.

After went through the FMs given by you, noticed the execution of the FM is base on Start date/time, End date/time and etc to produce the statistic.

But for my requirement, the key input is <u>Program name</u>. FYI, <u>i will extract a list of customize program name and check for their most recent execution date</u>. As compare to those FMs, Program name is not part of the IMPORT parameter.

Please comment.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

The Function module SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC returns table MEMORY_STATISTIC which will have the information regarding the reports run in the particular time period. The field <b>memory_statistic-entry_id</b> has the report name. you can loop through the Memory_statistic internal table return and compare check the report name which we require and if it is successful append the data to one more internal table.

Hope this helps.

0 Kudos

Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for your prompt reply. But there are few similar FMs like the one mentioned by Prakash: SAPWL_READ_STATISTIC_FILES



and yours SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC. Im a bit confuse here after executed each of them. And found there are similar. Could you pls advice which FM is best suite me?

Furthermore, i notice the FM SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_DIRECTORY only returned statistic for <u>ONE month</u> only, for eg: 15.08.2006 - 14.09.2006. But for my case, i need to access the statistic for the pass 3 months...

Pls comment.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

Guys, futhermore do you know which TCode to used for the setting of statistic log's retention period?

0 Kudos

Hi Ahmed,

Below is the list that returned by FM SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_DIRECTORY from my system:

15.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 15.08.2006	15.08.2006
16.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 16.08.2006	16.08.2006
17.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 17.08.2006	17.08.2006
18.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 18.08.2006	18.08.2006
19.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 19.08.2006	19.08.2006
20.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 20.08.2006	20.08.2006
21.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 21.08.2006	21.08.2006
22.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 22.08.2006	22.08.2006
23.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 23.08.2006	23.08.2006
24.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 24.08.2006	24.08.2006
25.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 25.08.2006	25.08.2006
26.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 26.08.2006	26.08.2006
27.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 27.08.2006	27.08.2006
28.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 28.08.2006	28.08.2006
29.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 29.08.2006	29.08.2006
30.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 30.08.2006	30.08.2006
31.08.2006  D	TOTAL	 31.08.2006	31.08.2006
01.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 01.09.2006	01.09.2006
02.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 02.09.2006	02.09.2006
03.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 03.09.2006	03.09.2006
04.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 04.09.2006	04.09.2006
05.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 05.09.2006	05.09.2006
06.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 06.09.2006	06.09.2006
07.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 07.09.2006	07.09.2006
08.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 08.09.2006	08.09.2006
09.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 09.09.2006	09.09.2006
10.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 10.09.2006	10.09.2006
11.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 11.09.2006	11.09.2006
12.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 12.09.2006	12.09.2006
13.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 13.09.2006	13.09.2006
14.09.2006  D	TOTAL	 14.09.2006	14.09.2006
<i><u>01.07.2006  M</u></i>	TOTAL	 01.07.2006	31.07.2006
<i><u>01.08.2006  M</u></i>	TOTAL	 01.08.2006	31.08.2006
<i><u>01.09.2006  M</u></i>	TOTAL	 01.09.2006	14.09.2006
31.07.2006  W	TOTAL	 31.07.2006	06.08.2006
07.08.2006  W	TOTAL	 07.08.2006	13.08.2006
14.08.2006  W	TOTAL	 14.08.2006	20.08.2006
21.08.2006  W	TOTAL	 21.08.2006	27.08.2006
28.08.2006  W	TOTAL	 28.08.2006	03.09.2006
04.09.2006  W	TOTAL	 04.09.2006	10.09.2006
11.09.2006  W	TOTAL	 11.09.2006	14.09.2006
15.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 15.08.2006	15.08.2006
16.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 16.08.2006	16.08.2006
17.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 17.08.2006	17.08.2006
18.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 18.08.2006	18.08.2006
19.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 19.08.2006	19.08.2006
20.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 20.08.2006	20.08.2006
21.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 21.08.2006	21.08.2006
22.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 22.08.2006	22.08.2006
23.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 23.08.2006	23.08.2006
24.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 24.08.2006	24.08.2006
25.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 25.08.2006	25.08.2006
26.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 26.08.2006	26.08.2006
27.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 27.08.2006	27.08.2006
28.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 28.08.2006	28.08.2006
29.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 29.08.2006	29.08.2006
30.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 30.08.2006	30.08.2006
31.08.2006  D	saprz1#1 31.08.2006	31.08.2006
01/09/2006  D	saprz1#1 01.09.2006	01.09.2006
02/09/2006  D	saprz1#1 02.09.2006	02.09.2006
03/09/2006  D	saprz1#1 03.09.2006	03.09.2006
04/09/2006  D	saprz1#1 04.09.2006	04.09.2006

Got to know that Period type D=Daily, W=Weekly, M=Monthly, and Y=Yearly.

<u>Question 1:</u>

Im forcusing on the Period with M, thats 01.07.2006, 01.08.2006 and 01.09.2006. Since my request is to access records from the recent pass 3 months, can i just take these 3 records for the process of FM SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC? Im not sure abt this. pls comment.

<u>Question 2:</u>

May i know what is the meaning of HOSTID "TOTAL" and "saprz1#1". What are the diferrences between these 2?

<u>Question 3:</u>

If base on the Daily(D) rec above, i just have from date 15.08.2006 until 14.09.2006. But why the Month(M) rec return by FM included month July plus 1st half month of Aug? Am i save to just process the Month(M) record (pointed at question 1) ???

Your comment is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Former Member
0 Kudos


answer to question 1 - use the function module SAPWL_READ_STATISTIC_FILES


or use tcode ST03 or ST03N.

answer to question 2 - yes you can chek the retention period and also allowed to change by default SAP maintain for 2 days 2 weeks 2 months

runn tcode ST03n -> select expert mode from leftmost top coner ->collector and performance DB -> performance database -> Reorganization

here you will get default retention setting i.e. 2-2-2

change according to your requirement and save the changes

hope this helps you.


0 Kudos

Hi John,


Thanks for your suggestion. Im having problem for using FM SAPWL_READ_STATISTIC_FILES. My intention is to read the log from the pass 3 months. But eventhough i key in the READ_START_DATE = 01.08.2006 , the FM will return nothing to me. As i noticed, statistic will only return for today's date. Pls comment if i key in the input wrongly.

SAPWL_ASTAT_DIRECT_READ -> does not exist. Do you mean FM SAPWL_READ_STAT_A_ASTAT_FILES? If yes, then the problem for this FM is: always return yesterday's (14.09.2006) statistic eventhough i key in the READ_START_DATE = 01.08.2006, READ_END_DATE = 15.09.2006

Pls comment for the above, im just worried i key in the wrong input.


Im using 4.6C, in ST03N i can get until -> select expert mode from leftmost top coner ->collector and performance DB -> performance database, in my system do not have option for <u>Reorganization</u>

Pls comment for all the above.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I have a question for FM SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC. It table parameter MEMORY_STATISTIC, may i know what are the values defined for the <u>TASKTYPE</u>? From the desc of the data element, it stated the value is stand for DIA, BTC, UPD. But i can not determined the mapping value. Because the actual value returned is "01", "02"...etc...

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

Just want to check with you further, whether i can access the statistic for the execution of Smartforms and SAPScripts?

Pls comment.

Thanks in advance.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Fschu,

if you want to read last 3 months log than try with this FM "SAPWL_WORKLOAD_GET_STATISTIC"

and your input should be

if you want to read for Day/Week/Month than your

1. periodtype will be D/W/M int your case now it will be M for months

2.Hostid = TOTAL

3. Startdate = 08/01/2006

the return table - HITLIST_DBCALSS will give all statistics.

hope this help you.


0 Kudos

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply. But may i know what are the differences for the return table HITLIST_DBCALLS and MEMORY_STATISTIC. Base on desc HITLIST_DBCALLS is reporting the hit list for DB while MEMORY_STATISTIC is reporting by the memory hits.

By applying to my case, where i just need to get the full list of executed program within the accessing period. <b>Which returned table do you think is best suite me?</b> As i checked MEMORY_STATISTIC is returning more entries than HITLIST_DBCALLS

Thanks in advance.