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How to delete SAP includes in a fuction module?


Dear experts,

I have tried to create a table maintenance dialog with SAP Table Maintenance Generator. Therefor you have to choose a function group. I chose a preexisting function group. Unfortunately the function group was full (it has already 99 function module). I got an error message and the table maintenance dialog is not created. But now the SAP Table Maintenance Generator create some includes in the function group. How can I delete the includes created by SAP.

Kind regards,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Ouch, bad idea choosing a function group just because it is there. Hopefully you never do that again.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Go to SE80 open the function group and see what you can do?

0 Kudos

I get always the below messages.

What can be done in SE80?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What makes you think that those includes were created in error?

0 Kudos

May be all those includes are one way or the other related to the Ztable for which it failed to generate the TMG.



An observation (and potentially just stating the obvious):

The message seems to be triggered by user "SAP*" having set the editor lock during generation of the include/function group. I just checked one of my own recently generated function groups and it also has the editor lock set for the "...F00" include (and other includes apart from "...TOP").

Unfortunately, we also have some old Z-tables which were put into large function groups and they've been giving us some trouble every now and then for different reasons. Which is why we've long made it a habit to always have a 1:1 relationship between a Z-Table and its function group for the maintenance view.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes - 1 table, 1 function group. That's been my practice for years. Not only do you never have the problem of a full function group, but if you modify one table maintenance, you don't lock all the others against changes until you've finished.

There are ways of removing an editor lock - which sometimes has to be done when a naughty programmer has locked their object and then left.

0 Kudos

Maybe the function group was not just choosed because it was there.

Active Contributor

It's an interesting question... If SAP indeed generated includes before finding that no more FMs can be added then there should be some legitimate "rollback" process. Or it should check first if FM can be created and then don't generate includes.

Might be worth contacting SAP Support.

0 Kudos

Yep, if you think that SAP's frame work sent you into a dead end without your fault, it's maybe the best to open a ticket.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


We all learn from mistakes.

Were you able to see the TMG in SE54, atleast with some or the other error.

Hopefully this question will get a wide coverage in SCN and then subsequently a solution too.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You said that table maintainace is not generated but i saw in the include (which is active) a sql statement select data to view ZTOF_KUNNR_INF_V, so i think maybe this view is already generated. could you check in SE57 or SE55 if you can delete this view?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Maybe. Only you know why you chose it. And why you chose a function group that's full.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


"function group was full (it has already 99 function module)".

Is there any limit set by SAP, on no.of FMs a FG can hold ?


Active Contributor

Each fm has its own include of the form


nn goes from 00 to 99, so the limit is 100 fm.


Hello Dears,

there is an approach from SAP Development Support. SE54 sets the editor lock flag for the generated includes. You have to delete the generated parts by the table maintenance generator tool SE54 (select "Generated objects" and press the delete button behind). If this does not work you can remove the editor lock flag for include LZSD_IFF00 as decribed in the SAP note ##37900. The program RS_RESET_EDITOR_LOCK mentioned in the note is not part of SAP standard. You have to create it in your system.

Kind regards,
