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F-28 User Exit for Additional Selections

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Expert,

I had find all the forums but couldn't find a similar one. Please help.

For F-28 Post Incoming Payments, user will need to select AR invoices (field Reference) one by one in order to clear the outstanding invoices.

User can use the additional selections --> reference and input all the values. However, there are thousands of invoices to be inputted. The screen allows for 16 input values each time.

Is there any user exit for this "additional selections" screen? So that user can upload all the values from files when clicking one button from screen.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


You can check SAPMF05A if it suits your requirement. Or else you can do it using BTE.

Open the FM BF_FUNCTIONS_FIND in SE37. Set a break-point there. Then in F-28 try to create a entry and save. Then the debugger will start. In debugger, check the values in the parameter I_EVENT. Those values are nothing but the BTEs that can be used for that particular tcode. Then you can select the appropriate BTE and implement it.

Let me know if you have any further clarification.



0 Kudos

Hi Raj,

Can u explain further on how to find the appropriate BTE for this? (Parameter I_EVENT = '00001140')

I am new in implementing BTE. Any clarification is highly appreciated.

0 Kudos


Once you have the BTE go to FIBF tcode.

Rest you can find out in the below link.


Hope it helps,



0 Kudos

> []

Hi Raj,

According to the link, BTE cannot enhance user interface elements.

I would like to have a button in program SAPMF05A screen 731 which triggers a dialog box for file path and upload list of values into field Reference.

I had looked through those BTEs, seems not helping. Any other suggestions?

0 Kudos

Any valuable input will be appreciated...

0 Kudos

I will be watching this thread since I have the exact same problem.

After looking at numerous notes that deal with F-28 "enhancements", it turns out a true enhancement is not possible to implement. Not to mention that those notes deal with versions prior to ECC6.0 (up to 4.70), so they may not even be applicable. However I haven't found anything else relevant to the question at hand.

The only thing left it seems, is a modification to SAP code, which I really wouldn't want to do, but if the client still insists it will have to be done.

This note seems to be of most help::

So far, I've realized that data extraction starts (and finishes) in SAPMF05A, but then the data get transferred to SAPMF05B, and eventually to SAPDF05X for display. During the transfer, the data I extracted into RFOPS structure (internal table POSTAB) is somehow lost (just those customer columns), so it seems it needs to be re-extracted at some other place, or we should find a way to transfer it without loss.

Again, this is all modifications to SAP standard code and dictionary structure RFOPS (there is a CI_RFOPS customer include). However, I haven't been able to find any user exists that make use of this customer include.

If you, or anyone else can help, it will be most appreciated, so please follow up on the thread if you find a solution.

I hope this information helped, too.

0 Kudos

I solved my problem, but again, there is no solution without modification. If you'd still like advice, post a reply here and tell me how far you have gone towards the solution. Adding the button and programming it's functionality isn't that hard... it would probably involve some popup window with a table control that will load your invoices in one column, leaving another column blank for the references you need. That same popup would have to have a button to upload external data (possibly from a local file, excel sheet or something like that), and another button to return to previous screen with the data populated. You could use one internal table to hold the data you've filled in, so it is available to the program. Then, in the PAI of the original SAP screen you could use a LOOP/READ TABLE to link and populate the POSTAB (I think this one is used as the source for posting the data later in the program). Of course, you should figure out what field of POSTAB (dic. structure RFOPS) is suitable to hold the additional data.

I think this should work, now all you need is an ABAPer to code it...

0 Kudos

Dear Srdjan Danicic,

Your valuable input is highly appreciated. May I know how you implement your solution? If possible, I try to implement without changes to SAP standard, such as using user exit. But so far, it does not allow me to do so. I am the functional analyst and at the same time an abaper. Currently, I am busy with applying some SAP patches and haven't start with this development yet.

I will be grateful if you can give me some hints on how you solve your problem. I'll start my development soon once I complete my current task.

Many thanks,


0 Kudos

Solution to my problem was a lot easier to implement, since I didn't have to add any controls. I just had to add another column with custom data to the output.

But, in any case, you should look at the program SAPDF05X. Inside are the PBO and PAI modules which are included in INCLUDE programs:


  • PBO - Module


INCLUDE df05xo00.


  • PAI - Module


INCLUDE df05xi00.

I'd recommend you create your own modules inside an appropriate INCLUDE.

You can use screen painter to add the button to a screen of SAPDF05X (check System->Status to find out which screen).

Then, in the program (SAPDF05X) find that screen, and add calls to your modules within it's logic.

I can't tell you exactly how to code it, but as I said, search for "table control", i remember it is nicely explained in SAP help documentation. Also, in the same documentation, look for screen handling. It will show you how to create popup screens, add your own buttons to them, function codes to the buttons, etc. If I find some sample code that may be of help I'll post it here!



0 Kudos

Hi Srdjan,

                 Can you help me with the code , I need to add a button with a screen to upload all the invoices instead of only 16 that F-28 allows . Can you share the code please . Its urgent . Thanks a lot .I am not finding a screen exit too , so how do I enhance the required program and the screen to accommodate this feature .

