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Custom Data element partly activated ?

0 Kudos

Hi ,

We had changed the custom data element (ZTEST) for predefined type Character length 60 by adding new domain TEXT60 as shown in screenshot.

All depended tables and structure got adjusted and activated.

But for table /OPT/VIM_1HEAD, inconsistencies were found(Please refer to screenshot). In this table, APPEND structure is using the same data element and both APPEND Structure and data element are not getting activated(Partly Active).

From technical side, all mandatory process are completed but still they did not get activated .


Active Contributor

Did you try to active and adjust table from SE14 yet?

0 Kudos

Hi Manh ,

Thanks for reply...

I done se14 table activated but my issue is data element not activate still it showing partly activated ?

Thanks ,


Active Contributor

Your change has made a record of /OPT/VIM1_HEAD too long.

Active Contributor

(as shown in the log, "Table /OPT/VIM1_HEAD is too long (>4030)")

0 Kudos

Hi Matthew ,

Thanks for reply .

Data element created by predefined Char 60 , Now I am changing to data element to add domain same type like text60.

But all depending table's are activated but append structure table not activated ( append structure table name : /OPT/VIM1_HEAD ).

Thanks ,

Manu .

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Before doing your change, you had a total length of /OPT/VIM1_HEAD which was between 3971 and 4030, then you added 60 which makes the total length greater than 4030 (I simplified by assuming one character is one byte, probably it's 2 bytes on your system but the general explanation is the same). You can't go beyond this limit.

Active Contributor
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As already written by matthew.billingham and sandra.rossi some record(s) of table /OPT/VIM_1HEAD is(are) now too long for activation, were other data elements modified in this system, did you look at recent/previous activation protocol(s) of this table and check modification history of the data element(s) in its(their) version management?

0 Kudos

Hi Rossi, Thanks for replay .

Last activation version same length present table length also same .

But My issue is last version activated but present version not activate why ?

Last version data element predefined ,Now i am assign domain that's it , Why now not activate my table this is my questions?

Please see the below screen last version same but i am changing only predefined to domain that's it .

Please give me any best suggestion what i need to do next step .

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Can you click on [+] next to your error in error1.png ? It will show what the error actually is. Yellow are just warnings...

-- Tomas --

0 Kudos

Hi Tomas , Tanks for replay .

Last activation version same length present table length also same .

But My issue is last version activated but present version not activate why ?

Last version data element predefined ,Now i am assign domain that's it , Why now not activate my table this is my questions?

Please see the below screen last version same but i am changing only predefined to domain that's it .

Please give me any best suggestion what i need to do next step .

0 Kudos

Sorry, but I do not understand how it is related to what I wrote?

-- Tomas --

0 Kudos

Hi Team ,

Please help on the above issue still i am facing same issue .

Thanks ,


0 Kudos

Hi Manu,

Were you able to resolved this issue. Am also facing a similar issue where my append structure to a custom table is not getting activated giving message saying the appended table length is too long >4030.

Please help.



0 Kudos

1)Try to delete data element(line) from table 
2)Activa data element from se11(data type)
3)Add data element again to table from se11