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BSEG Performans

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ABAPers,

I have a problem with BSEG table performance.

When i run this select :

select bukrs belnr gjahr shkzg dmbtr hkont INTO TABLE itab_bseg_II from BSEG




reduces report performans. How can i increase select perormance? Please help.

Best regards.



Active Contributor
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One option is to get your DBA's help & create an INDEX for the fields in your WHERE clause.


0 Kudos

Hi Suresh,

BSEG is a Cluster Table. How can i index it?

Thank your advices.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Instead of using non-key fields on BSEG (which will result in poor performance), consider using one of the index tables to find your records.

There isn't any index table that would suit your described query, but using BSIS will allow you to get better access by HKONT. Still, in addition to go against BSIS, you may have to revise your SELECT criteria to get better performance.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Try to use any of these preexisting indexes...

BSAD Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers

BSAK Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (C

BSAS Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accoun

BSID Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers

BSIK Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors

BSIM Secondary Index, Documents for Material

BSIS Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accoun

Former Member
0 Kudos


BSEG is cluse table and top of that you are not using the full key ( BUKRS, BELNR, GJAHR, BUZEI ) to read BSEG, thats why you have performance problem.

Also, since BSEG is cluster table you can not create index on it. Instead i suggest you to use <b>BSIS ( Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts )</b>.

You have multiple options here:

1. If you can somehow get the company code also, use the BUKRS ,HKONT , GJAHR ( in this order only ) as a select condition. And then delete the entries where the profit center does not fall in seletion criteria. So you code would be

* select data from BSIS
SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr 
             shkzg dmbtr hkont FROM BSIS
                                         INTO TABLE itab_bsis
                                         WHERE bukrs in s_bukrs      AND
                                                      hkont = x011z-bilkt  AND
                                                      gjahr  = p_ryear.

* delete record based on profit centers
DELETE itab_bsis WHERE NOT ( prctr in s_prctr ).

2. If you cannot get the company code but you want to get the data for all company codes then you should use following given code. Lets say the lowest company code you have is "1000' and highest company code number is '7000'.

data: l_min_bukrs  like bkpf-bukrs value '1000',
        l_max_bukrs like bkpf-bukrs value '7000'.

ranges: r_bukrs for bkpf-bukrs.

r_bukrs-sign   = 'I'.
r_bukrs-option = 'BT'.
r_bukrs-low    = l_min_bukrs.
r_bukrs-high   = l_max_bukrs.
APPEND r_bukrs.

* select data from BSIS
SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr 
             shkzg dmbtr hkont FROM BSIS
                                         INTO TABLE itab_bsis
                                         WHERE bukrs in r_bukrs      AND
                                                      hkont = x011z-bilkt  AND
                                                      gjahr  = p_ryear.

* delete record based on profit centers
DELETE itab_bsis WHERE NOT ( prctr in s_prctr ).

3. Create a index on table BSIS with fields HKONT, GJAHR and PRCTR and use following code.

SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr 
             shkzg dmbtr hkont FROM BSIS
                                         INTO TABLE itab_bsis
                                         WHERE hkont = x011z-bilkt  AND
                                                      gjahr  = p_ryear       AND
                                                      prctr  IN s_prctr.

Let me know if you have any questions.



0 Kudos


i read your reply. You preconize to access BSIS table instead of BSEG.

But i read previous reply on this thread. Those previous replies are saying : access to BSIS, BSIM, BSIK, BSID, BSAS, BSAK, BSAD instead of BSEG <b>not just BSIS</b>.

So, do you agree with the previous replies ?

Former Member
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If you try to access BSEG without the full key it will anyway take very longer time.Here in your case you are accessing it with GJAHR, HKONT and PRCTR.

I will suggest you to go to BKPF first based on the Year ( GJAHR) and Company Code (BUKRS) and if possible try to give the Posting Period also ( MONAT). in that wau u ll be having specific record numbers ( BELNR) with you. With these header data u access BSEG.

But again - if number of records from BKPF are high - the performance will be slow.( off course better than ur existing logic).

The other options is to use logical database. You can use LDB <b>SDF</b> . The performance in this case will be good - but it has a limitation -

For the GL Accounts ( BSEG-HKONT) , if you have the Line item Management turned on for the GL Account master- then only it will work otherwise it will not. If you can refer to FBL3N transaction. Just check if shows the records based on ur criteria. if it does - you can go for the LDB.