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Adjust Table Not Working

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all ...

I put a append structure up to table VBAP. Everthing was ok ...

Until the user request to change the decimals places from 2 to 5 ....

I did the SE14 process, but the database still seeing just 2 decimal places instead of 5.

Any ideas ?

Thx any way ...


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Bruno

You first delete the added field and data element and domain from the table.

Then adjust your table using SE14 .

Then change the domain as per the requirement.

Now again add the field in table and activate it.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Try this way...

Utilites-->Database Utility and the Press the button Activate and Adjust Database.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Neha ...

I tried that ... but when i re-active the table without the field it gives an error:


TABL VBAP is inconsistent in active version

Check table VBAP (ABAP03/27.11.08/14:18)

Classification 3 possible, but include or subtype is still unclassified

Field ZZDOLAR was deleted

ALTER TABLE is not possible

Structure change at field level (convert table VBAP)

Check on table VBAP resulted in errors


I think this erros is because the table is populate. But, obviously, I cant delete VBAP data to do that. \

Thx again.

0 Kudos

I think you have to adjust the Append Structure (from the messages it seems you try to adjust the standard DB table)

Former Member
0 Kudos

And how do I adjust a structure ?

Is there something like this ??


0 Kudos

Start SE11, enter the name of the strucutre, click Change and in the Menu start the relevant step. Alternatively you can start SE14 directly, again with the name of the structure

Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry Eric,

But I believe that there is no way to activate an structure. That is a property just for tables.

I mean, SE14 DO NOT "activate" an structure.

Anyway, Thz ... but problem not solved yet.

0 Kudos

sorry, my advise was wrong, pls. do the following: SE11=>name of Append Structure=>Change=>Menu:Extras/Enhancement Category=>Can be enhanced(deep)... Save...Activate

Former Member
0 Kudos

not working yet ...

this is a really peace of s...

But I appreciate all help fellas !

0 Kudos

Just mark Radio button Can be enhanced (character-type or numeric) instead of Can be enhanced(Deep) And reactivate everything.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry ... still not working

TABL VBAP is inconsistent in active version

Check table VBAP (ABAP03/27.11.08/17:16)

Classification 3 possible, but include or subtype is still unclassified

Field ZZDOLAR was deleted

ALTER TABLE is not possible

Structure change at field level (convert table VBAP)

Check on table VBAP resulted in errors

0 Kudos

Was there data in ZZDOLAR field before you do the table adjustment? It looks like the table definition in ABAP dictionary, the runtime and database level table defintion is not inconsistence.

In SE14, on menu EXTRA, check database object and runtime object to see whethere they are the same as the Dictionary definition.

Active Contributor
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I think that if you increase number of decimals by +3, you must also increase the total length by +2 so that there is no loss of data during adjustment. It should work... I hope.

For example, if field was 7 CURR 2, change it to 9 CURR 5 (I volunteerly increase from 7 to 9 and NOT 10, because it represents a number of bytes and each byte has 2 digits)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

In EKPO table there is one include structure with name CI_EKPODB, In that i have added one field . But now i don't want thet field ..i have deleted that structure is in Inactive mode because there is no field. But there is no field in Structure even it showing that field in table EKPO.

How to solve my Problem.

thanks & regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Lakshmi,

First Go to SE14.

Give EKPO and click on activate database table.

Then it should not show the error.

Let me know if you not solved problem.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Bruno,

Did u solved u r pblm.
