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Music for coding

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Hi All,

Does anybody here likes to code with music in the background.

If Yes, Which are your favorite tracks while coding?

PS: Just want to know, Am i the only one



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I like pur classical music. It surround me in my own small world and let me concentrate just on my goal to find a good solution with an readable frame of methods.


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Baroque music is highly rythmic , while its abstract nature slows the frenzy.

I particularly like the theorbo, a baroque instrument pertaining to the lute family (the modern guitar predecessors) It has 14 strings and sounds unlike any modern instrument.

Musique pour le Roy Soleil, Robert de Visee, Works for Theorbo - Francesca Torelli - Kostenlos auf D...

Other Baroque instruments worth listening to:

* Viola Da Gamba

* Archlute

* Viola de Amore

* Baroque lute.

Baroque composers:

* Marin Marais

* Caccini

* Piccinini

* Robert De Visee.

And for celebrating once the project compiles bug-free : LED ZEPPELIN ..


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Depending on the situation:

  • Enhancing FI-TV --> Metallica: St. Anger
  • Building highly unreadable and complicated generic code snippets --> Command and Conquer: Target
  • Getting lost whilst debugging the WDA framework --> The Benny Hill Show: Opening Theme
  • Investing additional time into Developing stuff for better user acceptance --> Neal Acree: A Hero's Sacrifice
  • About to achieve a breakthrough --> Two Steps from Hell: Victory


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Frankly, I didn't code seriously for a long time. But I remember, that for a very long time when I needed to code hard, Metallica was helping a lot, I was just launching their mp3 collection and listened to them sequentially non-stop: album by album from the band's very beginning till the latest compositions. Yeah, I felt pretty good.

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I work in an open space so noise cancelling headphones and throwing on music is great.  Currently I've just been going to pandora and throwing on a station started around volbeat.  I've never found music too distracting unless I'm trying to wrap my head around someone else's code, learn a complicated business process for coding, or other mentally challenging tasks (which apparently includes typing this post coherently )

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Music sooths when code bursts......

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To avoid background noise or meeting conversations i prefer to plug in ear phones..

I love listening to Bollywood music & Guns &Roses.

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I also hate office DJ, in my personal jukebox headphones edition it has everything from blues to heavy metal, depending on my mood, lately I need a extra laugh so I'm stuck to steel panther, Avenged Sevenfold when I'm in "this s*** must work" and George Ezra when I'm in learning mode.



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mmm, Avenged Sevenfold, I like that!

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Updated my playlist: Inserted Blue Oyster Cult on, good sound

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I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

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If Rob Dielemans wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell!

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for me, I like to listen to music while Iam writing a code but it sould be easy thing, for a complex program, I have to concentrate, otherwise, I will write music instead of ABAP code

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People are really noisy here at my office so I have to wear headphones if I want a little of concentration.  Maybe EDM songs or 80's power ballads are what I mostly use to hear, but actually I prefer complete silence, specially when I have to do debugging.

Pd:  Jelena.. Should I have started this with "According to me.." ? hehehe 

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Personally I don't like any noise when I'm working, so it's always appreciated when the music lovers wear headphones in the office.

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This is why i put on headphones and turn on music

Background noise is so...irritating

And , me too i'm addicted to spotify, which let me jump from an artist to another.

My tastes drive me from Epic Metal to humoristic italian groups like "Elio e le Storie Tese" to Luis Armstrong, from the Blues Brothers to Haggard

I created a playlist "Abap development" for this!

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I prefer either songs I know really well so I can sing along to and not think about (no distraction and also no people in the room) or complete silence (noise cancelling headphones and all). Not programmer - just depends on what I'm working on.

I'm also the sad type that will play the same song 20 times in a row or the same playlist over and over again.

My partner mentions he likes to listen to trance music as it sets a good rhythm to work to.

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Hi Ravi,

I don't code, however I do love to listen to music when I am moderating on the Community... Does that count??? I am currently obsessed with Spotify and have found myself jamming to a broader variety of genres like reggae and the 80s. Love hearing what others are into as well!


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Thanks Krysten,

And Of course, we don't have a coder's club here and All are invited to share their likes.

I am thinking of tapping new genres based on the work I am doing.

If Deadline is near - heavy metal.

While documentation - Soft Sufi or country music.

Preparing a presentation - symphonies ... & so on



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Great plan! I may do the same!

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I like rock (grunge, punk, alternative), R&B and american country (ecletic no?) Kkkkkk

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Hi Ravi,

your not the only one. When working in home office I'm often coding to music. Mostly electronic music by Tangerine Dream of Klaus Schulze You can find a  lot  of both on Youtube.



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I will surely give it a shot. My favorites are Classic & Alternative rock. And some local folk Punjabi music which is native music of my mpthertongue.
