In the previous blog of this series, we saw the benefits of adopting to a modern development paradigm mainly using functional programming which leveraged some of the powerful features that the ABAP language offers, like the Resumable Excep...
I do not see many developers using the new, modern and powerful enhancements to the ABAP language yet as a result most of these modern features are not leveraged in the applications which, I believe, were made with an intention to mo...
There are not many options in the SAP ERP system for consuming FI-CO and its associated master data objects especially in a single Work Process (LUW). Other constraints below:
BDC screen recordings come in the way of consumption - no op...
et_agents = VALUE #( BASE et_agents
FOR ls_agent IN it_agents
LET check = NEW zcl_te_pos_deleg( CONV #( ls_agent-objid )
)->is_within_limit( CONV #( iv_amount ) )
Hi Experts,
Here's the scenario:
We have used Annotations in a CDS View to generate the BOPF object and also the OData model.
We then have implemented a custom Query in BOPF. We then ran the generated OData in Gateway Client but the custom Quer...
When you loop and loop and put a while statement on top or in between I just get confused if I’ve to modify that logic because it’s unreadable for me! I think by doing that you’re making the readability worse - you are comfortable with it because you...
Hi Chris,I tried to insert rows into that UI_ATTRIBUTES table at the Initialization event (method IF_HRASR00GEN_SERVICE~INITIALIZE) expecting it would take care of it in the Adobe Form but it ignores it.For Adobe Forms do we still have to write some ...
I have the exact same issue @carsten.ziegler i.e. unable to hide some of the toolbar buttons via Personalisation which are outside the scope of the Subclass Redefinitions.It would be very helpful if someone could let me know how this issue was resol...