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More about Chandra in SAP Community

Chandra_Bhusan_rounded.pngI am an IT Consultant and Software Engineer by profession, living in Gurgaon, India. A Blogger and Orator by interest. SAP Business Technology Platform aka SAP BTP is my primary area of expertise. I love to talk about SAP BTP services, discuss about Business Process Management. If you wish to discuss anything about SAP BTP or deep dive into real time use case related to SAP BTP, feel free to connect with me. 

Chandra, tell us about yourself.
Who are you, what do you like to do, what is important to you? 

Having more than 14 years of expertise into software development and project management, I am now working as an SAP BTP Customer Success Partner with SAP Labs. SAP Business Technology Platform aka SAP BTP is my primary area of expertise. I love to talk about SAP BTP services, discuss about Business Process Management. Improving my area of expertise holds top priority, which in turn has ripple effect – whether it is to embark our customers on their SAP BTP journey or mentor a new joiner.

What is your area of expertise?
What does a usual day at work look like for you?

I have been always fond of 2 Ps in my life.

  • PEOPLE Connect,
  • PROBLEM Solving (primarily technical challenges)

With the first approach, I can learn new things from People, share learnings with them and with the second approach, the problems teach me. Every problem has a learning attached, only thing needed is we face them boldly. In a nutshell, it’s a learning every day. And I do the same in my everyday job, meet customers, talk to them about their business challenges, and find out the ways how SAP can address them. I also enjoy dedicating some time to learn and share my learning on SAP Community, social media platforms.

What inspired you to become an SAP Champion in SAP Community

I truly believe in a saying, “You don’t have to do extraordinary things; you just have to do things extraordinarily”. As I love exploring new tech stack, learn it and share it with others seeking to learn about it, therefore I started writing blogs on different platforms and primarily on SAP Blogs portal, delivering webinars, pep talks and training sessions on SAP topics and conducting hackathons & community events. The interest in SAP technologies, the love to connect with people, and the desire to do share my knowledge paved the path for me to become an SAP Champion. I am proud to be an SAP Champion.

How do you learn in SAP Community?
What is your daily/weekly routine in SAP Community?

Well, if someone ask me how I learn in SAP Community, I feel it is a natural streamlined and the most simplistic process. What would most of us do we encounter a problem? We look for the root cause or some would directly search for the solution. Internet is the most prominent place to look out for information, data, solution to problems and much more. Similarly, SAP Community is a lifeline for people seeking support or looking out to expand their skillset. I visit it every day, answer people questions, post my learnings, and share the happenings there.

What is your suggestion to get the most out of SAP Community?

My suggestion to everyone looking for an answer on how to get the most out of SAP Community is to – follow 3 simple steps. First get to know your interest, find it on SAP Community, then collaborate with like minded people on the same platform and lastly follow the one’s you admire. Get to see what others are learning, learn what you intend to learn and share with others what they are seeking for in SAP space.

Arrow_pictogramm_new.pngChandra's question to you:
Given with an opportunity to certify yourself on any SAP technology, what it would be?


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Kudos, Chandra Bhushan !

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Thank you @ShaikAzmathulla 

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