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When is "yesterday" on SCN?

Active Contributor

It's 11:50 am currently, so why "22 hours ago" is not "yesterday"? In what time zone is SCN and when does "yesterday" start (or rather end) there?

I'm utterly confused by these new timestamps... Can we just have the old ones back?

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Active Contributor

In the new SCN it does not matter much what is your timezone. Here is what I see for the most recent question:

Inspect element reveals that the site assumes that now it is Dec 7, 7:13 PM. Where I live at that time, it was Dec 7, 09:13 PM (I am logged on, but the script does not care about me). This means that yesterday text starts appearing at what the site assumes to be Dec 6, 2016 7:13:45 PM.

Is it logical? To some developers, probably yes.

Does it make sense from design perspective or from user point of view? No.

Active Contributor

I guess then it should say "yesterdayish". 🙂 Upvoted the idea mentioned by Juergen. Just show the timestamp and let us do the math.


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Somehow I just can't imagine Sir Paul singing "Yesterdayish", when all my troubles seemed so far away...

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I just wasted a bunch of time using various search methods to locate a thread or cc discussion where I am convinced that I commented on this whole 'Yesterday' and "hour ago" concept...

I would also be quite happy with a local time zone adjusted full timestamp and get rid of all the 'ish' wording. I'm ok with minutes ago and hours ago, but beyond a reasonable threshold of something like 8 hours, who really cares - just show the date and time (and keep it chronological). Unfortunately in today's world of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites, isn't what we have more like the normal approach, where relevance of 'when' and scrolling seem to be endless?

Active Contributor

when I go back my activity stream, which is unfortunately not seldom as I can only see rejected content in my activity stream, then yesterday starts beyond the 24th hour no matter if that is in the middle of the day or in the morning or evening.

I always wanted a clear date and time instead of this nonsense. And for that reason I voted on the idea:

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OK, I believe there could be a simple solution - change "yesterday" to "a day ago", like it already is in the "Notification" stream. It makes more sense IMHO as it just translates to "over 24 hours".

@Jeremy - I'm afraid you're right and "relative" time is becoming new normal. At least we can see the exact date/time after a few days, instead of "Long time ago". 🙂

Active Contributor

I like the less wordy version used by LinkedIn: 15s, 30s, 3m, 45m, 1h, 20h, 1d, 25d, 1mth, etc.

Active Contributor

If I go to Facebook or LinedIn, this is to pass time.
I don't expect to see much valuable content in my Facebook news feed, which means that I don't care when the content was created or modified. I won't be upset if 90% of the content there never existed.
SCN is not Facebook. The list of differences in the site purpose and the features mismatch is too big to fit into a single post.
This is why I really wish to understand why the SAP designers went for the 'once upon a time' form of time-stamp.
If you open a list with items, which are labelled as created 30 minutes ago and leave the tab open for more than 30 minutes, then look again at the data, you have to refresh the page to see how much time has passed since the content was created, add some hours/minutes (if you figure out how to do that, because you also had some rounding applied). How is this better than looking at 09.12.2016 06:02? Do people find date/time format challenging to understand? Is there no white space left, where they can add full date/time info?

Active Contributor

Hi Veselina - fully agree, I also prefer a full readable timestamp in my preferred format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss, but was simply offering a clean format approach vs. the blatantly inconsistent approach we have in the various species in our best of breed community.

Active Contributor

Exactly. Even if you make a poor choice at least make it consistent.