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Former Member
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Myself Ajit. I am a Sap Abap fresher consultant.

I like this site because its very helpful to sap consultants. But when i am trying to ask any question on forum, the support team send me a message that i have no authentication to post question on particular forum.

Please rectify my mistakes because i am new to this site.

Thanks ,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What I saw from your history  make my hair stand straight on end.

You are new to SCN, and this means that you are under pre-moderation until you have done some beginner missions to prove that you are real. This is to prevent spam attacks and ...some freshers really need guidance in the beginning

So you should actually receive a message that tells you that your content has to be approved before it becomes visible.  If you ask questions then you should provide qualified input, which means in case of this discussion the exact message that you received and which forums you posted.

This question itself is already a frequently asked question, and our forum rules require that you search before posting, which was obviously not done.

Further you posted above question in several forums as unrelated answer to a discussion or comment to a blog. This breaks 3 rules: you should post in the right space, you must not cross post, and you must not post unrelated content.

Further you added your email address in the content of your discussions, which is not allowed, if you want it visible, then make your settings accordingly in your profile.

next: you posted a question with subject in capital letters only

and last but not least look at the subject of this discussion, it is not good at all, the word is incorrect itself and it is not related to your question. A subject should briefly explain about what the discussion is - just imagine any headline in your daily newspaper is just a "Heloo"

I recently wrote a blog for freshers in MM space that is meant as starter package with links and tips.

I am certain this will help you to create better content and to avoid all the pitfalls and any clashes with moderators

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hats off Sir to your dedication and moderation I was aware of subject and repeatitive question but wasn't aware of this much.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Excellent coverage of what a Moderator wanted to convey to newbies.  This will really make my job even simple just by providing this blog when I ask newbies to follow the forum rules

G. Lakshmipathi

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello and welcome to SCN. 

On the homepage you'll find a link to explaining why your content is not posted immediately.

Looking at the moderation queue, I see lots of copies of the same queries. This slows down the moderation process so please only post one time and kindly wait for the moderators to review.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you Jason.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ajit

Wellcome to SCN community and I hope you will learn a lot. Just a little advice is always search before you post the question. May be that question has already been disccused on forum and also read the Rules of Engagement first.

For your query a moderator can comment on this. May be or . Just mention the forum or space where you are trying to post the question?
