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can we request multiple jobs at a time in concur extract api

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hi ,

i am trying send multiple job request at a time for extract api , when i tried submit to multiple jobs at a time facing below issue.

please suggest me ,

Error message is - : Fault Details : /n <ns2:APIInvocationError xmlns:ns2=""><ns2:type/><ns2:title/><ns2:detail/><ns2:errorCode/><ns2:errorDetails><ns2:type></ns2:type><ns2:title>Conflict</ns2:title><ns2:errorCode>409</ns2:errorCode><ns2:errorPath><![CDATA[InboundJaxrsResponse{context=ClientResponse{method=POST, uri=$p$px6Dnkhilp4bQ/j..., status=409, reason=Conflict}}]]></ns2:errorPath><ns2:instance><![CDATA[{ "Error": { "Message":"The Requested Job cannot be Scheduled to Run as there is already a Similar Job Running or Queued", "Server-Time":"2020-05-30T20:09:07", "Id":"5B7DC42D-2BF7-4FA3-99BC-6612B1A59DFA" } }.This error usually indicates that the request submitted by Oracle Integration Cloud can not be completed because it conflicts with some rule already established by the service. This is usually a functional error. If the call to the target service using a cURL request is successful then contact oracle support with the details.]]></ns2:instance></ns2:errorDetails></ns2:APIInvocationError> /n :Application Error /n

Thanks advance

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