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Recap of SAP Inside Track Chennai 2023

Date: July 22, 2023 Venue: Tidel Park Chennai Author: maniprasath_73 The curtains rose on a remarkable gathering of SAP enthusiasts and experts at the SAP Inside Track Chennai 2023 event, a platform...


SAP Inside Track Chennai - 2023

One of the well spent saturday will be 22nd July 2023 at the SAP Inside track chennai. I was lucky enough to be part of the Speaking delegates. As i was entering the Tidel Park gate, i saw there were...


Corporate Social Responsibility for Old Age Homes

Growing up, the whole concept of people leaving their parents in old age homes never made sense to me. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to take care of your own parents? Isn’t valuing the bond of family ...


SAP Inside Track Chennai'23 - Sponsorship engagement

SAP Inside Track Chennai 2023 My name is maniprasath_73 , and I am writing to you on behalf of the organizing committee of SAP Inside Track Chennai. We are thrilled to announce this event and would l...


SAP Inside Track Chennai - 2023

Hello SAP Folks, Hope you are doing well. I am writing this blogs to share glimpse of idea about SAP Inside track Chennai, we can shortly call it SIT Chennai. Basically SIT is an event around SAP to...


SAP Stammtisch Chennai - First Meeting - 1st Mar 2020

Following the SAP Inside Track and SAP Stammtisch events pan various locations of India, announcing SAP Stammtisch in Chennai.   This would be the first gathering with the first agenda of setting ...

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