All cc4f00ba-6b54-403d-bf1c-3's Badges

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All cc4f00ba-6b54-403d-bf1c-3's Badges

cc4f00ba-6b54-403d-bf1c-3 has earned 8 badges!
  • First Kudo Given
    First Kudo Given
    Earned by 140,186 members
    You gave your first kudo, thank you! What a great way to encourage good contributions from other members.
    • requirement one with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement two with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement three
  • First Kudo Received
    First Kudo Received
    Earned by 71,610 members
    You got your first kudo! Great job, keep contributing good content!
  • SAP Community Fan - February 2023
    SAP Community Fan - February 2023
    Earned by 165 members

    Showed your commitment to the SAP Community. Perform at least one of the following activities every day, for 5 days (midnight to midnight UTC) in a row within the month of February:

    • Published a blog post, discussion, job posting, comment, question, or an answer
    • Liked/kudoed any blog post, discussion or comment
    • Voted any question or answer up or down_
    • RSVP'd to any event
    • Followed any person, tag, blog post, question, or answer
    • Updated your profile picture, "About me" text, spoken languages, expertise, or Elsewhere links
  • I Voted!
    I Voted!
    Earned by 8,162 members

    Make your opinion count by reading and then voting on a question and an answer.

    • Vote on 1 question
    • Vote on 1 answer
  • Voter
    Earned by 1,967 members

    Read and voted on any combination of 15 questions and answers.
    (Prerequisite: I Voted!)

  • Voter
    Earned by 1,967 members

    Read and voted on any combination of 15 questions and answers.
    (Prerequisite: I Voted!)

  • Hello World!
    Hello World!
    Earned by 85,664 members

    Say hello to the SAP Community! Personalize your community experience by following content, tags, and members.

  • Hello It's Me
    Hello It's Me
    Earned by 12,222 members

    Get the most out of the community by telling us about yourself. Fill out or update the basic elements of your profile.

    • Upload a new profile photo, or update your existing one.
    • Enter some information in 'About Me,' or update your existing information.
    • Select (or update) your area of expertise or an area you feel knowledgeable about. Alternatively, add (or update) your spoken language, or share your Twitter profile or LinkedIn profile or any other URL in the Elsewhere section (or update that section).
    • Start following other members, or follow an additional member.