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XML Reading Issue in SAP directory

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All ,

My Requirement is to read XML File from AL11  . But Currently the File in AL11 is truncated . I have gone through this forum but cannot find answer to this . So please reply .

Requirement : Reading XML From AL11 , and populate my internal table based on its contents .

Issues : File Truncated , Error while Reading

Thanks ,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Prabushankar,

Have you tried to do the steps pointed out in this document ?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Why do you say it is truncated? Because it appears so when view from AL11 or because you get an incomplete xml when you read it from your program? If the former then I would recommend pushing ahead with your development as AL11 can sometimes be misleading. If the later then can you share the code you are using to read the file from the server?

0 Kudos

Hi Jamie & Inaki ,

The Issue has been solved . I have used string as the type of the variable to read from Al11 Previously it was c(2000) as mentioned in this forum  as t_xml type . In debug mode i can see  all the lines of xml file .

Thanks ,


0 Kudos

It might be good to mark the question as answered then.

