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Why is explicitly raised exception not caught or declared in IF_REST_RESOURCE

0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

We are using a REST provided service and according to SAP documentation on REST ( ) we are using IF_REST_RESOURCE.

The client is created using SM59 destination ( CL_HTTP_CLIENT=>CREATE_BY_DESTINATION ).

I was very surprise to see that method CL_REST_HTTP_CLIENT->IF_REST_RESOURCE~POST calls method SEND_RECEIVE which explicitly raises exception type CX_REST_CLIENT_EXCEPTION without it being declared in method signature or caught ...

Is there a missing update on Documentation regarding usage of REST clients?

It should not matter but the provider of the REST Service is not SAP based.

Any additional information would be much appreciated.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It sounds like a bug, in that case check the SAP notes or contact SAP support.