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way to allow the user access to the saved lists of this Z report

Former Member
0 Kudos

We have a Z report that we want to run at midnight each Sunday and then view the output/layout first thing Monday morning. We can schedule the report to run but it appears that the only way we can save the output as a 'file' for later viewing is by using the "Save with ID" option, which puts the output into a SAP 'saved list'.

The problem with this is that it doesn't appear to be possible to access that list from the Z-report - it would appear that you have to go into SQ01 and use the 'saved list' button. This means giving the Z- report user access to SQ01 as well as Z-report, which, for security (SOD) reasons we don't want to do.

We can run the report in foreground with the output option "File store" and save the output as a file to a specified location,. But this option doesn't appear to be available when the report is scheduled as a background job. If this is done, the background job runs but there's no output anywhere, as far as we can tell.

So what want is to run the report in background but with the output option 'File store' or equivalent (i.e. an output stored somewhere that the report user can view). Is this not possible, or have we missed something in setting up the report run?

Or is there a way to allow the user access to the saved lists of this Z report without giving them T-code SQ01?



Former Member
0 Kudos

You can call the infoset query directly from a transaction code. There's

no need to copy it as a 'Z-report' (or as a custom report). In fact,

everytime you're copying an infoset query to a report, you're calling

for problems the next time you face an upgrade. (That is because SAP

changes the internal logic used to handle the infosets queries from

version to version)

We're using some infoset queries and they work fine this way.


Former Member
0 Kudos

You can call the infoset query directly from a transaction code. There's

no need to copy it as a 'Z-report' (or as a custom report). In fact,

everytime you're copying an infoset query to a report, you're calling

for problems the next time you face an upgrade. (That is because SAP

changes the internal logic used to handle the infosets queries from

version to version)

We're using some infoset queries and they work fine this way.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi !

I just wonder if the answer from Varishtb below did solve your propblem.

I have exactly the same problem as you. I also want to be able to look at the saved list without using the sq01.

If you solved it I will be grateful to get the solution.

regards Lars


You can call the infoset query directly from a transaction code. There's

no need to copy it as a 'Z-report' (or as a custom report). In fact,

everytime you're copying an infoset query to a report, you're calling

for problems the next time you face an upgrade. (That is because SAP

changes the internal logic used to handle the infosets queries from

version to version)

We're using some infoset queries and they work fine this way.