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Variant Dynamic Month for Text Field

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hey everyone,

in this report, i have a text field which expects the month of a year, for example "07.2020".

Now i got the request to make a variant automatically fill the current month, like it can do for date fields.

How is this possible for text fields, and how is it possible to do for the month only, and not the date?

Thanks in advance!


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi, you could use a data element with this domain MCPERIOD or RSCALMONTH, or another specific for month and year. In the variant, you will fill as you do with a date field.

Active Contributor

You mean via a Program Variant of an Executable Program, and without ABAP programming?

You can't.

Workarounds: create a date field as a select-options in your selection screen and choose "From month start to today". Or define a variable that you update each month by a background program.