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User-exit that triggers everytime I change a line item and change condition

0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

We are encountering an error wherein when we create a return order with reference

to an invoice and we create multiple line items with the same material, the succeeding

line items points to the wrong conditions in the reference invoice. Below is an example:

Original Sales Invoice 3010002390

Line Item No.	SKU		Quantity	Total Rebate Discount		Per Unit Rebate Discount
10		100315		10			128.07				12.81
20		106666		10			128.07				12.81
30		100338		10			243.86				24.39

Return Order 1120000402  (repeatedly created with reference to the same sales invoice number)

20		106666		1			12.81				12.81
30		106666		1			24.39				24.39

For Return Order line 30, it should have picked the price 12.81 instead it picked 24.39,

which is the same line item with the original sales invoice.

I am using user-exit 'USEREXIT_NEW_PRICING_VBAP' and it triggers everytime I change the quantity of a line item.

But I tried to change the values in XKOMV and put 'U' in UPDKZ but it doesnt reflect when I view it.

Hope you can help me guys. Thank you and take care!


0 Kudos

Thanks anyways...