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Strange ALV behaviour with dropdowns

Former Member
0 Kudos


I've got an ALV grid control (cl_gui_alv_grid) that displays dropdowns (not F4 but a dropdown set via the set_drop_down_table method) in one column.

It works fine in many cases but now I noticed the following:

first I pass a table filled with 3 values as parameter for the set_drop_down_table method

then some time later I pass an <i>initial</i> table as parameter for the set_drop_down_table method

I would have expected the dropdown menu to show no values but somehow the 3 values from before are still selectable.

Any suggestions on how to 'clear' the dropdown table of the ALV ?

Best regards,

Patrick Baer


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

i havent tried it myself, but can you try refreshing after clearing the drop down table.




0 Kudos


I am doing a refresh everytime the dropdown table changes. This does not work.

Also flushing (cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ) ) does not work.

If I set a table with 3 entries as dropdown and afterwards a table with - let's say 1 entry - then it works and only the one entry is displayed.

So an intial - or zero entry table - seems to be the only non-working case.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Rather than passing the initial table, try passing the table with once record (handle = 'specified by you' ; value = initial)

0 Kudos

Hi Patrick

You can clear the field content (at the field catalog) holding dropdown list handle.

Or do you re-register the table after (using the method "set_drop_down_table") deleting its content?


*--Serdar <a href="">[ BC ]</a>

0 Kudos


I will try out your suggestion tomorrow.

Maybe it works.

Regards and thanks,

Patrick Baer

0 Kudos


first of all thanks for your reply.

> Or do you re-register the table after (using the

> method "set_drop_down_table") deleting its content?

Yes that is correct, I am calling "set_drop_down_table" method again passing an initial table. The field catalog is unchanged (and buffered by the way). If possible I would like to keep the field catalog untouched.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Have anyone found solution to this problem?

I just exprienced it myself.

And i can't pass a table with 1 empty record, cause I shouldn't let user to chose an empty entry.

Is there any another way?