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Problem in appending xstring to internal table.

0 Kudos

Hello Everyone,

I'm facing a strange problem . I try to append a line of type xstring to an internal table, But some chacaters are getting truncated.

This is needed to create file output for a set of data.

I created a sample z program to find the issue.

DATA: unicode_string TYPE xstring,

unicode_string1 TYPE xstring,

unicode_string2 TYPE xstring,

dtab like TABLE OF unicode_string.

unicode_string1 =


unicode_string2 = '20BCD2C7C1C6AEBFFEBEEE2020202020202020202020202020203030303030303030303030303130303130362020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020200D0A'.

CONCATENATE unicode_string1 unicode_string2 INTO unicode_string IN BYTE MODE .

Append unicode_string to dtab.

Here the variable unicode_string has 464 caharcters. But when we append it to dtab, al the characters after 255 get truncated, even though both are of same types.

Is it a limitation? How is it possible to have the internal table with each line having exact data as in unicode_string.

Please help.

Thanks & Best Regards,



Active Participant
0 Kudos

By default it will accept only 255 characters.

Instead of XSTRING can you try data types like char300 or similar which will allow you more than 255 char

0 Kudos

Hi Sim,

I tried with declaring with data type of type x of length 1000 also, But it simply doesn't work.

I behaves in the same way as earlier.