2023 Nov 02 2:59 AM
2023 Nov 02 3:12 AM
In ABAP, there is no built-in function to convert lowercase katakana characters to uppercase. However, you can achieve this by using Unicode conversion functions and tables. something like below coding.
DATA: lv_input TYPE string VALUE 'カタカナの小文字',
lv_output TYPE string.
lt_output TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string.
lt_input = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( )->convert( lv_input ).
LOOP AT lt_input INTO DATA(lv_char).
CASE lv_char.
WHEN 'ァ' TO 'ヶ'.
lv_char = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( )->convert( lv_char ).
APPEND lv_char TO lt_output.
lv_output = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( )->convert( lt_output ).
WRITE lv_output.
2023 Nov 02 8:01 AM
Microsoft Translator of 大文字に変換する機能はありますか?:
Is there a capability to convert to uppercase?
2023 Nov 02 8:14 AM
I don't know "case for katakana", do you have an example of one symbol lower case and its equivalent symbol in upper case?
Note that the functions to_upper and to_lower don't seem to vary on the linguistic environment restrictions, so I guess they should work.
Also, from ABAP 7.55 I guess that PCRE Regular Expressions would be able to convert correctly lower case to upper case of any Unicode character and vice versa (based on the Unicode character classes). See the example code in the ABAP documentation.
2023 Nov 02 8:15 AM
Do you have an example of one symbol lower case and its equivalent symbol in upper case?
2023 Nov 02 10:25 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing examples of uppercase and lowercase in Katakana, as I thought this script was unicase (or are you asking for half/full width characters?)
Have you looked for such converters (Web Services) on the Web, like a Katakana / Hiragana / Kanji converter for example.