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Implementation BAPI ME_GUI_PO_CUST

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

i implemented BAPI ME_GUI_PO_CUST to add an additional screen to purchase order

I copied the biggest part from the great example from SAP.

It is nearly working but i do not understand this code line:

<b> mmpur_dynamic_cast l_item im_model.</b>

What does it effect and what does it mean?

Thanks a lot.




Former Member
0 Kudos

The object im_model may include a header object as well as an item object.

The paramter im_name tells you which screen is processed.

Now you have to cast the "neutral" im_model to l_item or l_header.

See example:

DATA: l_header TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm,

l_item TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_item_mm,

ls_mepoheader TYPE mepoheader,

ls_mepoitem TYPE mepoitem.

CASE im_name.


mmpur_dynamic_cast l_item im_model.

ls_mepoitem = l_item->get_data( ).



mmpur_dynamic_cast l_header im_model.

ls_mepoheader = l_header->get_data( ).


0 Kudos

HI All,

If any one of you could possible tell me that whether or not

we can get the item data in the header tab.

it is as if i want to call the following code


mmpur_dynamic_cast l_item im_model.

ls_mepoitem = l_item->get_data( ).

I tried this code but was not successful.

Could you tell me if it is possible??

Thanks in Advance,


0 Kudos

HI All,


> If any one of you could possible tell me that whether or not

> we can get the item data in the header tab.


> it is as if i want to call the following code



> mmpur_dynamic_cast l_header im_model.--> this marco will prepare header data.

> mmpur_dynamic_cast l_item im_model..--> this marco will prepare item data.

> -->here, you need to get items from header , using method lt_items = l_header->get_item().


> I tried this code but was not successful.

> Could you tell me if it is possible??


> Thanks in Advance,

> Sumit

