2006 Sep 06 2:58 PM
I am stuck with one problem while executing an enhancement of a new BADI type <b>/rpm/fin_cap_plan</b>.
I call my own function 'Z_RPM_CLOG_FIN' from a method of this enhancement.
Inside Z_RPM_CLOG_FIN imake another call as
OBJECTID = func_param-I_objectid
TCODE = func_param-I_tcode.....
Here 'Z_FIN_TAB_WRITE_DOCUMENT' is a function we obtained after running SCDO transaction for 2 financial tables.
Now in debug mode when control to Z_FIN_TAB_WRITE_DOCUMENT it goes ito some other method and catches some exception 'parameter missing' and I don't know from where this exception came into scene. As per my understanding if we call a function control should go into that function.
And this was really happening when I created an implementation of a classic BADI.
Can someone help me out at this point ?
2006 Sep 06 3:02 PM
Did you try something like this:
OBJECTID = func_param-I_objectid
TCODE = func_param-I_tcode.....
OTHERS = 99.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
Sunil Achyut
2006 Sep 06 3:07 PM
Hi Sunil,
This function doesn't throw any exception to its calling function. All handling is done within this method itself as it has been directly generated by SCDO transaction. I
Infact this is not the issue. Problem is that control doesn't go inside the method at all.
2006 Sep 21 1:16 PM
is it during debugging ? if a function module is called in update task or on commit, control doesn't do inside FM during debugging ....hope thishelps....