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FBL3N Item Type

0 Kudos

Hi expert!,

(apologize if this hard for you to understand, my english is not so great)

So im making a program that collects gl account number from BSIS for a transaction that happen in a month and run it as a background job and save it to a ztable, so the user could just execute the ztable to extract the data (similar to FBL3N but the problem is it didn't appear as an ALV display, so the the extraction file is a mess and the execution took too much time). The problem with my program is it only fetch normal data which is why there's different in total.

in FBL3N there's a section called Type which there are Normal,Noted and Parked, can someone explain or even better show me which field that indicates or what indicates the item as Normal,Noted and Parked or what should i do to make my program could fetch the noted and parked type data ?.

Thank you in advance.




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To replicate FBL3n, you have to read tables/views BSIS but also BSAS and V_VBSEGS.

  • You will be required to also read BKPF, BSEG, VBKPF and VBSEGS to enrich records, also use FM such as ITEM_DERIVE_FIELDS.

Could you consider calling the report behind FBL3N (RFITEMGL) and use class CL_SALV_BS_RUNTIME_INFO to prevent display and get data back (in RFPOSXEXT format)

  • You can // process by batches of G/L accounts to enhance performance (and prevent memory shortage)

You could also use FM LDB_PROCESS on logical database SDF


Active Contributor

Hi Dema,

Header table BKPF has field BSTAT that will tell you the document status - e.g. V is parked, blank is normal, etc.

BSIS is the index line item table.

0 Kudos

so i could just join bkpf and select BSTAT from it, then it'll fetch the parked and noted items ?

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BSIS won't contain noted items or parked items. You would have to read BSEG and VBSEGS tables for this; which could be a problem as those tables are not good for queries.



0 Kudos

i've tried joinning the bseg table but can't do because it's a cluster table or something, any other suggestion

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

To replicate FBL3n, you have to read tables/views BSIS but also BSAS and V_VBSEGS.

  • You will be required to also read BKPF, BSEG, VBKPF and VBSEGS to enrich records, also use FM such as ITEM_DERIVE_FIELDS.

Could you consider calling the report behind FBL3N (RFITEMGL) and use class CL_SALV_BS_RUNTIME_INFO to prevent display and get data back (in RFPOSXEXT format)

  • You can // process by batches of G/L accounts to enhance performance (and prevent memory shortage)

You could also use FM LDB_PROCESS on logical database SDF