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Dynmaic text population using Read_text

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Hello Experts,

I am doing a report for mail functionality.I am getting my title and body from a standard text.But the title also contains some dynamic varibles like

Vendor name XXXXXXX  payment ID and Country XXXXX. I am using Read_text to get the standard text and the output varible is of type string.Please tell me know i can populate dynamic values.

Thanks ,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Loop the entries returned in tables TLINES from FM READ_TEXT.

LOOP AT i_tlines INTO wa_tlines.

CONCATENATE v_string wa_tlines-tdline INTO v_string

                         SEPERATED BY space.

CLEAR : wa_lines.


Just check where exactly you can fit the Vendor number and Country value in above loop.

0 Kudos

Hello Bala Krishna,

     The value for the vendor number is populated from the report similarly for remaining dynmaic variables also like how we do &var& do we have any procision here?

Thank you,


0 Kudos

It depends on the long text you are getting with the read_text and where exactly you want the vendor name and country name.

What you can do is, search for the word 'Vendor' in wa_tline-tdline before concatenate statement. you get the value, add the vendor number, to wa_tline-tdline.

0 Kudos

i am maintaing Vendor name XXXXXXX  payment ID and Country XXXXX as a text in std text. I have three things to be populated on is vendor number payment id and country dynamically.

0 Kudos

While maintaining the long text, use '&' after Vendor name and use '@' after Country.

so once the complete Long text is concatenated into v_string. Use REPLACE statement.

   REPLACE '&' WITH v_lifnr INTO v_string.

   REPLACE '@' WITH v_land1 INTO v_string.

Thanks & Regards

Bala Krishna

0 Kudos

You should have a look into the function TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE. Call READ_TEXT first and then call the function like below

DESCRIBE TABLE tlines LINES lf_lines.

              endline          = lf_lines
              header           = ls_header
          program          = lf_repid       "Program name that hold global variables
              lines            = tlines.

The tlines are the contents from READ_TEXT. The place holders in you text must be same as the global variables in your program for getting it replaced.

0 Kudos

I would never recommend a direct concatenation of tline i.e. long text line. You may loose any formatting. Rather use CONVERT_ITF_TO_STREAM_TEXT. It takes tline as input and gieve you string with all newlines , tabs etc.. After 'TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE' call the above FM .