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deploy ear file.. steps

Active Contributor
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Hi Gurus,

may be I am in wrong forum for this..

I am working in APO.

We have a transaction which on execution with some input data we can see button, when we click the button it calls a FM which inturn triggers a JAVA system with the URL and I can see a Internet explorer page where the products are mapped with arrow marks, circles etc...

Now our requirement is to replace the java system with the SAP netweaver or some sap server which supports and able to deploy java application (amy be an .ear file).

Can you please through me some light which help me.

According to my serach inSDN and google

1. we can deploy the ear java application file into SAP netweaver and call this through the same FM which is used above.

2.Can I install J2ee engine in SCM 7.0? is it neccesary or installing J2ee in sapnetweaver and deploy the ear file and then cal the netweaver java application through the FM?

This seems for me like a BLACKBOX and I have no idea what should be done.

Please provide me the steps and solution..

Thank you very much.waiting for feedback.




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