2007 Jul 28 4:50 PM
Hi All,
According to my requirement I have to create PO's from the open PR's and make it as a batch job.
What logic do I need to use for this, please help me out in this.
2007 Jul 28 6:17 PM
You have few options:
1. Choose LSMW , in first step of it define Direct/Batch input available related to PO.
Execute all the steps.
Ultimetly it will create a data.
2. Query all open PR's and collect the data. Use BAPI to process it. Relevent BAPI you will get from BAPI transaction.
3. Through BDC you can again do it by recording transaction through SHDB.
Reward if useful!
2007 Jul 28 6:17 PM
You have few options:
1. Choose LSMW , in first step of it define Direct/Batch input available related to PO.
Execute all the steps.
Ultimetly it will create a data.
2. Query all open PR's and collect the data. Use BAPI to process it. Relevent BAPI you will get from BAPI transaction.
3. Through BDC you can again do it by recording transaction through SHDB.
Reward if useful!
2007 Jul 28 6:59 PM
Thanks for your reply if i use teh BAPI, what code do I need to use.
2007 Jul 28 7:11 PM
If not, check all BAPI_PO* in transaction SE37.
Also, you can check in transaction BAPI, under Purchasing branch.
You must read the selected BAPI documentation, and once you know which one to use, you must load the needed parameters and call the function from your program.
Please reward if useful.
2007 Jul 29 6:41 AM
*- BAPI related declarations
DATA : g_pohdr TYPE bapimepoheader,
g_pohdrx TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
gt_poitem TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
gt_poitemx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
gt_posched TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
gt_poschedx TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
gt_poacct TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
gt_poacctx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
gt_poservice TYPE TABLE OF bapiesllc,
gt_posrvacc TYPE TABLE OF bapiesklc,
gt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2.
perform prepare_header.
PERFORM prepare_items.
PERFORM prepare_schedule.
perform create_po.
*& Form prepare_header
Set up header structure
FORM prepare_header.
g_pohdr-comp_code = '2000'.
g_pohdrx-comp_code = 'X'.
set up doc type
g_pohdr-doc_type = 'NB'.
g_pohdrx-doc_type = 'X'.
g_pohdr-vendor = '0008000330'.
g_pohdrx-vendor = 'X'.
g_pohdr-langu = sy-langu.
g_pohdrx-langu = 'X'.
g_pohdr-purch_org = 'BA01'.
g_pohdrx-purch_org = 'X'.
g_pohdr-pur_group = '800'.
g_pohdrx-pur_group = 'X'.
g_pohdr-currency = 'USD'.
g_pohdrx-currency = 'X'.
ENDFORM. " prepare_header
*& Form prepare_items
Set up item values
FORM prepare_items.
DATA : ls_poitem TYPE bapimepoitem,
ls_poitemx TYPE bapimepoitemx.
ls_poitem-po_item = '00010'.
ls_poitemx-po_item = '00010'.
ls_poitemx-po_itemx = 'X'.
ls_poitem-short_text = 'ABSORBER,SHOCK:PALLETIZER'.
ls_poitemx-short_text = 'X'.
ls_poitem-material = '000000000001070062'.
ls_poitemx-material = 'X'.
ls_poitem-vend_mat = 'xyz'.
ls_poitemx-vend_mat = 'X'.
ls_poitem-quantity = '100'.
ls_poitemx-quantity = 'X'.
ls_poitem-po_unit = 'EA'.
ls_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'.
ls_poitem-po_unit_iso = 'EA'.
ls_poitemx-po_unit_iso = 'X'.
ls_poitem-net_price = '6.32'.
ls_poitemx-net_price = 'X'.
ls_poitem-price_unit = '1'.
ls_poitemx-price_unit = 'X'.
ls_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
ls_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'.
ls_poitem-plant = '1575'.
ls_poitemx-plant = 'X'.
ls_poitem-ACCTASSCAT = 'K'.
ls_poitemx-ACCTASSCAT = 'X'.
ls_poitem-acctasscat = <fs_req>-knttp.
ls_poitemx-acctasscat = 'X'.
ls_poitem-distrib = <fs_req>-vrtkz.
ls_poitemx-distrib = 'X'.
ls_poitem-part_inv = <fs_req>-twrkz.
ls_poitemx-part_inv = 'X'.
ls_poitem-gr_ind = <fs_req>-wepos.
ls_poitemx-gr_ind = 'X'.
ls_poitem-gr_non_val = <fs_req>-weunb.
ls_poitemx-gr_non_val = 'X'.
ls_poitem-ir_ind = <fs_req>-repos.
ls_poitemx-ir_ind = 'X'.
ls_poitem-agreement = <fs_req>-konnr.
ls_poitemx-agreement = 'X'.
ls_poitem-agmt_item = <fs_req>-ktpnr.
ls_poitemx-agmt_item = 'X'.
ls_poitem-preq_no = <fs_req>-banfn.
ls_poitemx-preq_no = 'X'.
ls_poitem-preq_item = <fs_req>-bnfpo.
ls_poitemx-preq_item = 'X'.
ls_poitem-preq_name = <fs_req>-afnam.
ls_poitemx-preq_name = 'X'.
ls_poitem-pckg_no = <fs_req>-packno.
ls_poitemx-pckg_no = 'X'.
APPEND : ls_poitem TO gt_poitem,
ls_poitemx TO gt_poitemx.
ENDFORM. " prepare_items
*& Form prepare_schedule
Schedule data
FORM prepare_schedule.
DATA : ls_posched TYPE bapimeposchedule,
ls_poschedx TYPE bapimeposchedulx.
ls_poschedx-po_item = '00010'.
ls_posched-po_item = '00010'.
ls_poschedx-po_itemx = 'X'.
ls_posched-delivery_date = '10/31/2005'.
ls_poschedx-delivery_date = 'X'.
ls_posched-quantity = '100'.
ls_poschedx-quantity = 'X'.
ls_posched-preq_no = <fs_req>-banfn.
ls_poschedx-preq_no = 'X'.
ls_posched-preq_item = <fs_req>-bnfpo.
ls_poschedx-preq_item = 'X'.
APPEND : ls_posched TO gt_posched,
ls_poschedx TO gt_poschedx.
ENDFORM. " prepare_schedule
*& Form create_po
Create PO with ref to the req
FORM create_po.
DATA : lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,
l_ponum TYPE banfn.
poheader = g_pohdr
poheaderx = g_pohdrx
testrun = 'X'
exppurchaseorder = l_ponum
return = lt_return
poitem = gt_poitem
poitemx = gt_poitemx
poschedule = gt_posched
poschedulex = gt_poschedx
poaccount = gt_poacct
poaccountx = gt_poacctx
poservices = gt_poservice
posrvaccessvalues = gt_posrvacc.
APPEND LINES OF lt_return TO gt_return.
MESSAGE s398(00) WITH 'Purchase document ' l_ponum
' successfully created'.
ENDFORM. " create_po
Reward points</b>
2007 Jul 29 1:50 PM
Hi Kiran,
When I test this program I am getting system stop message "Field Selection PTYF Not Defined".
Whats this error.
Thanks in Advance,
2007 Jul 29 8:14 AM