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CL_SALV_TABLE number of rows



I have an ALV created with cl_salv_table, and i need to display the total number of rows in the list header, and refresh it if any filer is applied.
I googled a lot and found only this as working solution: 
You loop at the filers, collect them, and apply them to your itab, than count the number of rows in it.

It works but i cant beleive that there is no better way to solve this since 2011.

Can you suggest me a better solution?

(SAP ABAP, release 700)


Active Contributor

If your SALV is built on an ALV Grid (CL_GUI_ALV_GRID), you may get its instance (search the Web) and use the method GET_FILTERED_ENTRIES.


Thank you!

I managed to get the ALV with CF 'GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR' in the 'after_salv_function' event and get the number I wanted, and display it in the ALV list header with 'set_list_header' method of cl_salv_table display settings.
I don't know if there is a better way to do this, so feel free to  criticize my solution.

(gv_total is is the number of lines in the original table)


DATA: go_table  TYPE REF cl_salv_table.
DATA: gv_total  TYPE i,
      gv_totalc TYPE char10.
DATA: lo_events TYPE REF cl_salv_events_table.
lo_events ?= go_table->get_event( ).
SET HANDLER lcl_handle_events=>after_salv_function  FOR lo_events.
METHOD after_salv_function.

  DATA: lo_grid             TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
        lo_display          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings,
        lt_filtered_entries TYPE lvc_t_fidx,
        lv_count            TYPE i,
        lv_countc           TYPE char10,
        lv_title            TYPE lvc_title.

  IF lo_grid IS INITIAL.
        e_grid = lo_grid.

  lo_grid->get_filtered_entries( IMPORTING et_filtered_entries = lt_filtered_entries ).

  DESCRIBE TABLE lt_filtered_entries LINES lv_count.
  lv_countc = gv_total - lv_count.
  CONDENSE lv_countc.
  CONCATENATE lv_countc 'records selected out of' gv_totalc ' total' INTO lv_title SEPARATED BY space.

  lo_display = go_table->get_display_settings( ).
  lo_display->set_list_header( lv_title ).



It's the shortest solution of all.

No need of "IF lo_grid IS INITIAL" you have defined lo_grid as local so the condition is always true. Even if you declare it global, there's almost no performance gain, so keep the code clean without IF and with lo_grid local.

If you use ABAP >= 7.02, use lv_title = |{ lines( alv_table ) - lines( lv_filtered_entries ) } records selected out of { lines( alv_table ) } total| and remove all these unclear and useless global variables. You may even get rid of lv_title and lo_display (no DATA line at all, except lo_grid).

0 Kudos

Unfortunately I need this program to work in ABAP 7.00, but I got rid of 'IF' and some variables, so the final versions seems to be like this:

METHOD after_salv_function.

DATA: lo_grid             TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
	  lo_display          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings,
	  lt_filtered_entries TYPE        lvc_t_fidx,
	  lv_total            TYPE        char10,
	  lv_filtered         TYPE        char10,
	  lv_title            TYPE        lvc_title.

	e_grid = lo_grid.

lo_grid->get_filtered_entries( IMPORTING et_filtered_entries = lt_filtered_entries ).

DESCRIBE TABLE gt_tr_list          LINES lv_total.
DESCRIBE TABLE lt_filtered_entries LINES lv_filtered.

lv_filtered = lv_total - lv_filtered.

CONCATENATE lv_filtered 'records selected out of' lv_total 'total'INTO lv_title SEPARATED BY space.
CONDENSE lv_title.

lo_display = go_table->get_display_settings( ).
lo_display->set_list_header( lv_title ).


Thanks again!


The function LINES exists since ABAP 6.10:

lv_count_displayed_entries = lines( gt_tr_list ) - lines( lt_filtered_entries ).


0 Kudos

Thank you!

Works like charm!