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BDT BUPA - Fields not displayed

0 Kudos


I try to use BDT to extend the BUPA transaction (BP).

I try to add some fields (from a new Z table) in a new tab at the General Data level (BUP001).
Currently I see my new Tab, but he is empty.

When I use the BDT_ANALYZER in BP transaction I see all of my configuration :
Screen > Section > View > Field Group > Fields > My Fields.

I used the transaction : BUS1, BUS23, BUS2, BUS3, BUS4, BUS5, BUS6 and finally BUSD.
When I check my configuration via the "Simulation" button It's always good.

In my view (transaction BUS3), when I click to the button "Screen Painter" I can see my screen painter configuration.
Screen created via Function Group with some code like PAI/PBO (CALL FUNCTION 'BUS_PBO' ...).

In the transaction BUSD I added my new application and my new dataset in the view '000000' Business Partner (General).

I don't understand why my screen (new tab) is empty.
Thanks in advance for your help.




Problem solved.

I had to add the section "BUP009 - Header Data (General Screens)" in my new screen.
After that my fields were available.

Transaction : BUS5 (Screen -> Sections)


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
  • Can you provide screenshots of the fields of the z-table, your customizing in BDT and the display of your new screen in BP that is 'empty'?
    When you say 'empty', does the field value never get filled or is everything blank, no attribute name, no input box, no screen name, just a blank screen?
  • Please elaborate on "some fields from a new Z table", are you wanting to integrate completely new tables into BP, or are you wanting to extend existing BP tables with the append structure technique.
  • Since interface and program logic are separate, are you able to debug your assigned FMs or is none of them being called?
  • What documentation did you use to create the enhancement? Have you looked at SAP note 2309153 which contains the document "Cookbook for enhancing the SAP Business Partner with additional customer/vendor fields" (BP_CustomerSupplier_Enhancement_Cookbook_CustomerEdition_114_final pdf)
    It specifically addresses the two scenarios and also gives Debugging guidelines:
    Scenario A: Integration of complete tables in customer namespace that refer to customer / vendor master
    Scenario B: Integration of own appends of customer/vendor master core tables (e.g. appends to tables KNA1 or LFA1)


Problem solved.

I had to add the section "BUP009 - Header Data (General Screens)" in my new screen.
After that my fields were available.

Transaction : BUS5 (Screen -> Sections)


Hi Youri

I would suggest marking your answer as the correct one or marking the question as answered. This way other user of the forum will easier find the solution to the same problem.

Kind regards,

0 Kudos

Thank you for the feedback. Please clarify what means "I had to add the section "BUP009 - Header Data (General Screens)" in my new screen." (what transaction code? etc.)


youricnrb, so you did follow the mentioned guide "BP_CustomerSupplier_Enhancement_Cookbook_CustomerEdition_114_final pdf" from SAP note 2309153 and compared your steps to the ones given in the guide and found out that you missed some steps e.g. in section "3.5.2 BDT screens – Transaction BUS5" regarding assignin a header section for Customer General BUP009 Header Data (General Screens)?