Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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Active Contributor
Much to my surprise, I was asked to join the newly introduced SAP Champions program and - just like the rest of the "gang" - I'll need some time to adjust to this new role, get my bearings and find my footing. I've always enjoyed collaborative and community efforts - both online and offline - so my main focus will most likely be to always have an open ear for what's happening within SAP Community and to see how I can best help individual members and the whole community. The list of what SAP Champions do offers ample opportunities to do that:

  • Helping with the onboarding of new members, making them aware of SAP Community tutorials and resources

  • Educating members about the various features of SAP Community

  • Introducing members to the SAP Community reputation system, so they understand how to earn karma credits through positive contributions, complete missions, and earn badges

  • Answering questions within the Questions and Answers section

  • Creating blog posts within their topic areas to share their knowledge

  • Leading Community Calls

  • Running local events, such as SAP Stammtisch, SAP CodeJam, and SAP Inside Track meetings

  • Attracting new members through their positive influence (and welcoming these newcomers to the community)

The tricky thing for the first three of these bullet items is to get a handle on who'd actually like a helping hand with any of these activities and who'd see that as unwelcome meddling on my part. For me, it would therefore definitely help if I'd get "pinged" by somebody who would like to get some help - be it during their first day(s) on SAP Community or whenever they think about getting actively involved by asking their first question or drafting their first blog post.

To that end, I'd like to be as easy to reach as can be and if such an option were available, I'd set my profile to accept direct messages from all members and not just those on my followers/followed lists. Alas, this option isn't (yet?) available so the 2nd best option is to invite you to follow me and I'll then follow you back in order to "establish first contact" and thereby making direct messages possible. This can either happen right away or later, when there's something you'd like to chat about 1:1 - be it where and how best to ask questions, what to write about in a blog post or (almost!) any other question, comment or thought you have about SAP Community. I'll try to give an answer myself and if I don't have one - and if you are okay with it -, I'll share your question with the other champions and there's a good chance that our team will come up with something or other to help you.

So, please take me up on my offer and I'm looking forward to seeing how things evolve!


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