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Amazing, awesome, fabulous and fantastic, these are reactions from those who joined the Stammtisch. Unprecedented, unexpected, unanticipated were the reactions from the organizer. We expected a count of something around 15-20 and so was our games, amusements, activities were planned.

We received registration almost double of the expectation which clearly shows how eagerly we need such virtual events that is obviously need of the hour. We are apologetic to those, whom we could not share the invite :(. We had to do this as responses exceeded the expectation as we kept this open for all. But no worries, we promise to continue this, as it is just the beginning.

Shortlisting was done and further invite was shared across considering the time zone, obviously it won’t be good either, sending invite to people asking them to join activities/event in the middle of the night.

But it does not mean we cannot come together on same platform; it was nature of the event that restricted us and there are others community events that does not come with such constrains (discussed in last section).

Now most awaited part, how was our first Stammtisch…

Round 1:

We started with the introduction round and catch was along with our name we also had to add what new we learnt/explored/tried in these days.

@Tanaka resident of Osaka, Japan shared how he has become a good barber and has also given hair cut to his family members 😄

soumita_patra is spending her spare time in sketching as it was one of the stuffs she used to do, but because of busy schedule and work, it was long she had sketched any. Below goes one of her recent work 🙂

Whereas patil477pavan shared how has he become a good cook; being working from home, staying with family, got him this opportunity of learning few recipes from her mom. This would surely help him when he will assume office.

tarunkaushik320, who unfortunately couldn’t made it to his hometown before lockdown, has groomed himself technically in UI5/Fiori, basically he is ABAP developer and soon would be Full stack developer handling both frontend/backend.

Also, many will sign up to community account as they want to stay connected and updated for more future events like this.

Round 2:

Next round was catching words (one team has to speak a word with ending letter of the word stated by opposite team). In this round, teams were divided in group of two, A and B (10 members each) normally one can use any meaningful word but here we had a twist, that word should be part of any technology/acronyms/names/process within SAP. First word was SAP itself 😄


I’ve tag members and will share this link among participants (not have id yet on SAP community) from Stammtisch to share their feedback here in comment section.

Also, as said above this is just the beginning and here, we announce our next engagement, while our catching word session there were many technical terms, members requested to know insight of. We are going next with SAP Online Track and inviting nominations, both speaker/listeners.

This time no restrictions with count, hit the below link and share topics you want session on, nominate yourself, if you have something to share with community. Keep following below link space for more details.

SAP Online Track: Event Information

With that said, we extend our gratitude to all those who joined the event, it was amazing to know you all. Thank you!