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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
It is with great pleasure that we announce a new community activity - the SAP Community Coding Challenge Series. The idea is that periodically SAP will post a coding challenge or puzzle for the community to solve. It will be something fun yet hopefully will teach something as well. It should be simple enough that most people could work on it over a lunch break but if you really want to solve the problem optimally might require some thoughtful research and experimentation.

For this first challenge, we will go to our technology roots in the SAP community and open with an ABAP coding challenge.  This challenge can be performed in the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment Trial (this is where our sample solution was tested).


Voting is now LIVE!

To vote on the winner, simply go to this Community question. The finalist are all listed as answers.  Upvote the answer you believe is best.



And if you want more details on the Special Award winners, rich.heilman posted a blog about them here: https://blogs.sap.com/2020/03/17/sap-community-coding-challenge-series-march-2020-special-awards/

Midpoint Challenge Update:

Now that we are 1/2 way through the first challenge, we did a live stream to discuss the progress, judging and how to get started coding in the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment Trial.

Challenge Directions:

Start with this line of code as the first line in your application. Requirement: make sure to cut and paste this line of code and NOT type it.
    DATA(sentence) = `ABАP  is excellent `.

Using the value in the variable sentence, programmatically determine the number of words in this variable and then count the number of UNIQUE letters in each word.

Your output should look like this:

The goal is to accomplish the task with as few lines of code as possible. Our sample implementation uses 9 lines including the data(sentence) and out->write lines. Can you do it in less?

Consider processing efficiency and ABAP best practices as well.  How clean is your code? https://github.com/SAP/styleguides/blob/master/clean-abap/CleanABAP.md  Usage of Hungarian notation will be severely ridiculed. ?

Finally you must also explain why ABАP correctly has 4 unique letters.

Submission and Judging

Once you have a solution you are happy with, please email your submissions along with a link to your public SAP Community Profile to the community@sap.com inbox.  Everyone has until March 15th, 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) / UTC-7 to submit your coding solution.  The community and developer advocates team at SAP will then do the first round of judging, narrowing down to 5 finalist that have the cleanest, most elegant, or most creative solutions. We will then post these 5 finalist in a community Q&A entry so that everyone will have a chance to vote on the best overall solution.

In the spirit of the immortal Stan Lee, the fabulous prize for the winner of the Coding Challenge will be a No-Prize. The coveted No-Prize also comes with the unending adulation and admiration of the community of fellow developers.


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