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Community Manager
Community Manager
When you've answered 170 questions (and counting) and built up a network of more than 180 followers, you're definitely Member of the Month material. And that's why I'm happy to announce rmi.corriveau as the Member of the Month for September.

Those numbers don't lie. If you look at Rémi's activity, and the amount of people trusting his expertise, it's clear why he is such a valuable SAP Community member.

First off, Rémi, congratulations on receiving Member of the Month!

Thanks. I never expected that.

In your profile, you describe yourself as "Internal consultant (Configuration/Debugging) on Payroll Canada and Time Management, plus PA and OM." Could you tell me how you became an expert in something so specific?

I don't think that I can be called an "expert” on anything specific. I was able to take many SAP courses during the Blueprint phase of our initial implementation, worked on the Canadian Net Payroll configuration with the help of an SAP Payroll Consultant, then over time, started working on Gross Payroll, Time Management, Benefits, Personnel Administration, and Org.Management.

Your profile also shows your company as Centre d'excellence SAP des CSLFO in Ottawa, Canada. Could you tell me a little bit about the company -- how you came to be there, what the company focuses on, and so forth?

We are a small team that maintain a single SAP Client for the French School Boards of Ontario, and that means 11 different "companies" that can't see each other's data. We take care of the maintenance and configuration of SAP and the associated softwares.

Rémi picking wild blueberries in the Appalachians region of southern Québec.

How long have you been with the SAP Community? Why did you decide to join?

I don’t know how long I've been with the SAP Community, but I started working with SAP in 2000, and soon after joined the ASUG Discussion Forums and the SCN Discussion Forums.

As I noted earlier, you have answered 170 questions -- a number that has likely grown since this conversation took place! And, from the looks of it, you try to answer questions every day. Can you tell me how you make SAP Community participation part of your daily routine?

I try to visit the HCM Discussion Forum daily, for a few minutes, during my lunch break. Over the years, I’ve learned quite a lot, and tried to help others.

I also noticed that you published a blog post last year. Any plans to start writing blogs again?

I did try to publish a blog last year, about Canadian Year-End, but I had to terminate it when a Q&A on the same subject was started by SAP, so to answer you, no I have no plans to write another one for now.

Since you joined, you've drawn more than 184 members to your network. That tells me a lot of people respect your knowledge and look to you for answers. At what point did you start to realize you were developing such a strong following? Was it gradual? After you answered a certain number of questions? Something else?

I hadn't noticed that there were so many. I was advised now and then that someone else was now "following" me, but never really paid any attention to the number, specially after SCN started giving "Badges" for following others.

In your free time -- assuming you have any -- what do you like to do?

I like to read, do some gardening, make some preserves, go to the country, and visit family.

Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to me, Rémi. Once again, congratulations on joining the Member of the Month ranks. We appreciate all that you contribute to the community!