I am not sure how many of you are using mobile based SCN app. Its called
'Jive'. Few days back i installed this app at my android phone and believe me i am just loving it.
There is already document available at SCN explaining about from where to download this app, which OS supports it, how to register etc.
check below links for more details:
When you launch this App, it would look like this. This screen itself attracted me because of its beautiful background color.
Then, You are required to enter community URL:
NOTE: This link can be easily opened in mobile browsers.
You need to enter the activation code that you have received after registering your device at your profile page>Edit preferences>Mobile (for more details view the above mentioned document link) once you click on
Log in button.
Here you go. This is home screen of the app. It is so beautiful.
You will get notifications from the group/people you are following to.
You can see the device authorization status of the device registered by viewing profile page.
What i am missing here are:
Points, missions, badge and few more details.
So folks have you tried it?
Looking forward to hear your views.