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[See bottom of post for Aug 17, Aug 23, Sept 7, and Sept 11 updates regarding additional improvements rolled out]

It’s summer (at least, in the northern hemisphere), and while many folks are out on vacation/holiday, we here at Community Central are still busy working to improve your SAP Community experience. We are in the process of rolling out some more improvements to the profile, and I wanted to share with you what you can expect to see today and in the weeks to come.

What’s coming first (it's live now already) is primary tags shown on the content lists in your profile, which look like this:

Also rolling out is an indicator (a green check mark) on questions listed in the profile, to show which questions have an accepted answer. (Jürgen L spotted this already and mentioned it in this blog.)

You should also notice that content appears in the profile much more quickly than before, close to realtime. This includes new content as well as updates to content.

And if you’re one of those who uses SAP Community on a mobile device, you’ll see that the mobile interface for the content overview and content lists in the profile has received an overhaul too, making it more user-friendly.

Unfortunately, after we rolled these items out yesterday, we became aware of an unpredictable (and infrequent) bug in the list of answers in profiles. The bug, which we did not encounter in our QA system, displays HTML code and answer text for some answers listed in some profiles, instead of the question title. The team investigated the issue and identified a fix and is in the process of rolling it out. So if it isn't already gone now, the bug should disappear from the content lists in the profile shortly.

What's coming up next? We do have more features in store, some of which are planned to go live soon after this first set. They include:

  • Additional content types, starting with Coffee Corner discussions, to be followed later by archived documents and archived discussions

  • Sorting and filtering in the content lists, similar to how we have sorting and filtering of followers and following now

And while the profile team is busy rolling out these features, they will also be working on a way to add the content type “comments” (on blogs, questions, and answers) to the profile. We’re trying to identify a good way to present those in the user interface, and the UX folks are working through that, so that might take a while longer to roll out. Text search within the lists, which will search for text not only in the titles but also in the content behind the titles, is also on the roadmap.

As these improvements go live, we’ll be making good progress on these ideas from Idea Place, with the hopes of eventually being able to call them all Delivered (meaning those parts of the ideas that we agreed to develop):

https://ideas.sap.com/D37954 See ALL of our SCN posts in the profile (like we used to)
https://ideas.sap.com/D41804 Show me ALL my content!
https://ideas.sap.com/D38104 the new SCN should have a tab at least with the name of My Archive where 1 can find his archives
https://ideas.sap.com/D42086 Search/filter/tag option should be there on profile page to search for specific blog or thread
https://ideas.sap.com/D40268  Sort order for My Answers and My Questions
https://ideas.sap.com/D39219 Add Primary Tag and filters against the blog, questions and answers
https://ideas.sap.com/D38919 user profile should show which of my question are answered
https://ideas.sap.com/D37923 Add list of own comments/discussions in profile

So, as you can see, the team has been busy and will continue to stay busy, whether it’s vacation season or not! I will update this post when the items actually roll out.


And there it is! Excited to announce that Coffee Corner discussions are now also listed in your profile!


And now archived documents are listed in the profile as well.


And now archived discussions are listed in the profile as well.


In the Following and Followers sections of the profile, we've rolled out an additional sort order: by date added.

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