Welcome Corner Blog Posts
Go a little bit deeper into the Welcome Corner with blog posts. Learn how to get started in SAP Community and get tips on maximizing your participation.
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The SCN Forums are an important part of the SCN experience. They are incredibly active with about 4000 posts a day on hundreds of forum topics! Access to experts on a multitude of SAP subjects who can collaborate together to find the best solutions!

How will they be changing in the new SCN? See a short video blog I’ve prepared to help guide you in the new SCN Discussion Forums. Topics covered include:

  • How best to find your favorite forum content
  • Learning how many of the well known features remain the same
  • Catching a few cool new features
  • Seeing community rating & more

Watch the video and be prepared to jump right in and get the conversation rolling in the new SCN Discussion Forum of your choice!



(Please Note: This demo was not conducted on the final site design for the new SCN; i.e, it won't look exactly like this...)