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SAP Champions is SAP Community's newest influencer program that focus in people relationships in SAP Ecosystem through a selection of 23 participants from various parts of the world who are influencers and top contibutors in SAP Community. Their mission is to do what they have always done, which is to share knowledge to help members get the most out of the community. This is all through blogs, Q&A forums, event organization and more.



The SAP Champions are already released. The SAP Champions list was revealed this week by katarina.fischer who is Program Manager SAP Community & Influencers

I am happy to be invited to be part of this amazing group of great professionals and influencers in the SAP market. Thanks to craig.cmehil and katarina.fischer for this exciting opportunity to bring all the knowledge, networking and reputation that the SAP community can provide to all members. I am very proud to play this role and positively transform many SAP professionals.

I have been actively participating in the SAP Community since 2007 and I was part of SAP Mentors since 5 years. When I was invited to join the SAP Mentors program it was increbible. Just look at the list with the SAP Mentors participants to get an idea of the high level of this group.

In accepting of being part of the SAP Champions I just left the SAP Mentors program and automatically joined the SAP Mentor Alumni program for former SAP Mentors, because once SAP Mentors, always SAP Mentor. Here is my trajectory to join in SAP Mentor and my path during the program in this blog.



It was pleased to participate in the SAP Mentors program which will continue to follow its mission in giving to SAP important feedback on all SAP Solutions. And from now on I will continue to represent SAP Community as SAP Champions to positively influence SAP ecosystem through sharing knowledge and relevant content.
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