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Last week I prepared a blog, it was my first blog and it was not very long. I am relatively new in this community.

But here is my extended blog, where I will post more pics, more about me in general.

Before starting, I have to thank fellow members of the community who have tagged me: sudip.ghosh4 ruthvik.chowdary2 faisal.iqbal

Special mention to the person who started everything: susan.keohan with her initial blog https://blogs.sap.com/2019/12/09/blog-it-forward-the-sequel/

I won't nominate anybody because I already nominated Wouter, Marssel and Ruthvik. And my questions were asked there.


My life (extended version)

I studied Business Administration and started working as an accountant while I was studying. Yes, when everybody was partying I was studying. That is life!

I continued working in finance departments until 2018, year when I discovered SAP and I started my career in SAP.


About my family:

That is a very interesting topic, as my genetic has made me look like a foreigner in my own country. I could be working in Walldorf perfectly without anybody noticing I am Spanish ha ha.

Well, my mum is from the North of Spain,Galicia, where they love nature. Physically I seem Celtic, my blood.. I love nature, animals.. My blood. My mother's town is called Friol, in Lugo. I show you an example of how the town is.

My dad is from Murcia, in the South of Spain, also blonde with blue eyes. I used to spend holidays when I was young there, but not now. This is the lighthouse close to my grannies' home.

My heart is more similar to the North 🙂

I have a sister. My older, unluckily, passed away.

My hobbies (extended)

In my first post I talked about hiking. Here it is another pic


I usually go hiking every weekend or 2 weekends. That helps me a lot to distress. My life is quite stressful.

I have been hiking out of Spain. In 2017 I had an accident whilst I was hiking in Corsica. As a consequence, I had to be operated and go back to Spain urgently. I have several pics of that holidays. I check them and thought: how lucky I am. I could have died.

Other important hobby and related to hiking, as most of times go together is travelling. I have been to some European countries: France, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Andorra, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, UK.

Last summer I went to UK and these are a few pics of the holidays. There were some stunning parts.

Other hobbies: enjoy with friends. I will show you a pic of last New Year Eve.


I have another hobby: gym. I go to body combat and zumba every week.

Ah! And today we had a lunch at the office. My computer is the one at the end of the row.

My starts in SAP:

I started in 2015, when I took a course. I didn't continue until 2018, when I enrolled one official course that lead into a certification and wanting a complete dedication to SAP.

Luckily, I am 100% professionally into SAP and growing! Rock on!


I think that you know better now, I will focus on the questions:

What do you do apart from SAP in your free time?

Already answered: I like hiking, gym, travelling and enjoying. Of course, SAP is my passion and it takes me great part of time.

If not SAP Career where you would be seeing your self?

I would come back to my origin: finance departments. Luckily, my determination made me be into a world I love.

Who inspired you to choose SAP or what made you choose SAP?

It made me being in accounting where I didn't use more than Contaplus, A3, which are very easy programs. I thought: it should be a more complete program. Here it is: SAP!