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Product and Topic Expert

I was blogged forward by ian.kehoe We both work in Product Support

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My name is Gerard Hodgins . I am 44 years of age. I am from Dublin Ireland.
I live in Clondalkin( next door to Citywest) I was born in Clondalkin, raised in Clondalkin,  spend most my working life in Clondalkin

I guess you could say I am a Dublin lad

I originally joined SAP Dublin in 2005.
My first career was in a printing company where I was a Production Planner/Scheduler.
But my interest in computers led me to Griffith College were I received a certificate in software engineering then I went to Trinity Collage, where I obtained a degree in  computer sciences.
I have studied seven different programming languages (not including ABAP) but Java, Vis Basic HTML and web design . 
In 2005 I joined SAP which was my first IT role, working with computer systems 
so please feel free to ask me anything about "printing"  ...

Share  fun facts about my country / myself that people do not know

I have never lived anywhere but Clondalkin, we can boast one
of the oldest and best maintained  round tower, estimated to have been built in around
600th  century.  You can still climb up to the top of the tower(on special occasions) , which I have done ..

In  the late 80's early 90's I had a "mullet"  hair style
My Hair was over 2 feet long hanging down my back and  a proper 'crew cut' on the front however there was no such
thing as Digital cameras so I can't show you this ... Thankfully

I am a home bird, I have visited many parts of Europe..

Including (and not just) Austria , Germany , France, Spain

Again this was all before the advent of the digital camera
so all pictures are stored in a shoe box at the back of a press somewhere and not online
(instead of digital pictures lost in the back of some hard drive somewhere)

I can complete the Rubik's Cube of any size in under two minutes , and juggle

For people born after 1979 these are non-computer related puzzles

Which 5 things do you absolutely want to achieve in life?

  1. To never grow a mullet again
  2. To revisit all those countries with a digital camera
  3. To be as tall as Lionel Messi
  4. To own a solid gold Fiat Punto.
  5. To have the PERFECT DAY

Blogging It Forward:

I'd like to blog it forward to the following people:

And I would be happy if you could answer the following questions:

1. If you were back in school again, what would you choose to study?

2. What is you personal life dream?

3. If you could invite 3 people (dead/alive) to dinner, who would it be and why?

