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This blog post is a part of the "Blog It Forward" challenge. To begin with, I would like to thank michal.korzenwho blogged forward to me, and successfully managed to convince me to write.


Once upon a time…
…a girl called Diana was studying Business Administration and working as a Web Content Manager. She loved her job so much and she had planned her career for years ahead. Unfortunately the company she worked for lost its biggest client and Diana and her colleagues had to look for new opportunities. For the then 22 years old girl It seemed like her world is falling apart.

The lesson she learned at that moment – The only sure thing in life is change.


…I know that this was one of the best things that ever happened to me because that is how my fairytale started. This was the moment when I had the time to try new things. This was the moment when I found out that I wanted to create. This was the moment when I started coding. At the same time that moment was hard for me because almost everyone around me was sceptical about my new initiative, especially my parents. But as the most optimistic person in the world I made a decision that I wanted to transform that skepticism of others into a stimulus for me to prove them that I can and I will do it. I will become a programmer. And I made it.

The lesson I’ve learned at that moment – When you think you can or you think you can’t – either way you’re right.


When zornitsa.nikolova (my first Manager at SAP) and konstantin.vasilev (Software Developer), gave me the chance to start my IT career in SAP I was the happiest person in the world!
I started as an Intern in the Environment, Health and Safety Management team and I wrote in ABAP and it’s frameworks which was an experience that I couldn’t get outside of SAP. All of my friends were as interested in the language as I was and asked me about it all the time.

One year later I was the happiest person in the world (again) when I started in vladimir.velinov’s SAPUI5 Control Development team as an Associate Software Developer.

Most of the people think that in the big company like SAP everything is boring, gray and there is no visibility. Not in the SAPUI5 team! The most interesting thing for me when I started there was the startup spirit. And I was sure that this is my place.

Also with my background as a BA Bachelor my colleagues trusted me and gave me the chance to become a Scrum Master – a role that was interesting for me for quite some time.

The lesson I’ve learned – Some opportunities only come once, seize them!



#bestweekever #nothingIveeverexperiencedbefore

All that I can say about the InnoJam at Hannover during the CeBIT event will be nothing compared to the things I’ve learned there, the people I’ve met and the emotions I’ve felt. Big THANK YOU to SAP University Alliances for giving me the opportunity to participate as a student (now I’m a Distributed Systems and Mobile Technologies Master student).

More than 70 students from 15 countries we were separated to 12 teams. With the support of the biggest Design Thinking and Presentation experts from SAP and the SAP University Alliances Mentors each team made an app that can help a lot of people to make their buildings, campuses, traffic and homes smart.

One more time – congrats to the winning teammarat.abilov, Bowen, nicolas.goris, Ameera, Joe, felix.wolff – you were amazing, guys! And congrats for all of us for the wonderful time we spend together and all the friendships we made. Glad that the spirit is alive and our fb group is updating daily with photos, memories and also invitations to go to each other places.


The lesson I’ve learned - Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them.


Me and Bill McDermott

My colleagues know that I’m obsessed with the book of our CEO Bill McDermott “Winners Dream: A Journey from Corner Store to Corner Office”. Every day on my way to work I’m reading it on my Kindle and I arrive at SAP Labs Bulgaria with my daily dose of motivation. That’s why my first question when I found out that I will be a participant at the SAP InnoJam was “Wow! Will Bill be there?” and when I received a positive answer I promised my colleagues at the office that I won’t return home without a picture with the CEO of SAP (they asked me for one more with Angela Merkel too but I didn’t promised them that). Of course I’ve kept my promise J


The lesson I’ve learned at that moment - Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.



1. Tell us something we don't know about you and also couldn't have guessed.

     Well this blog is all about that J


2. Who inspires you? Why?

     I love being around doers, proactive and creative people, people who have failed a lot of times .But instead of being discouraged, they become more motivated. And most of all – optimism inspires me.


3. What do you enjoy most in your work and why?

     What I enjoy most is that I don’t think of it as my “work”. This is the place where I create, where I meet my awesome colleagues and share ideas or just talk about the last CeBIT event with “the cool gadgets, you know”.

Blog it Forward

I would like to blog it forward to nedyalko.yotovand valentin.mezev.

  1. Describe yourself with 3 words.

  2. What do you dream of?

  3. Which do you prefer – an ugly victory or a beautiful defeat? Why?


Thank you for your time,
