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I'm Daniel Lippmann, born on 22 December 1976 in Heidelberg / Germany. Don't wonder - I have several inactive SCN accounts, so I write this blog again... :smile:

In 2000, I started corporate studies in business information systems at SAP where I saw into some departments at SAP. Thanks to markus.bell, mario.herger, tobias.kaufmann, joerg.schoen and all the other people who supported me! I had an awesome time with hannes.kuehnemund, daniel.stollenwerk ralf.becker, dominik.held, daniel.seise and all the other people...

After my studies, I became SAP basis administrator at DEGES GmbH. After some years, I went to Leipzig, where I built a house and live and work now.

My grandparents were the founders of Kindernothilfe, a benefit company which built many orphanages, schools and other buildings in India and Africa. So in some way I'm connected to India... 😉

I'm interested in Solution Manager and HANA, so I'm glad that I can evaluate HANA in the company I'm working right now.

  • Which 5 things do you want to achieve in life?

  1. Build a house: check. Have two kids: check! Build a company: nope, currently in progress. Shh, don't tell!
  2. Find the Lapis philosophorum... I want to know everything about life!
  3. Grow up two sensible and curious kids.
  4. Make the world a better place. I don't want to tell too much, but it's connected to 1.
  5. Continue this list.

  • Dream job as a kid?

Astronaut. I loved my LEGO sets:

400-499 - 442: Space Shuttle - LEGO Bauanleitungen und Kataloge Bibliothek

Anleitung 1983 - 6900-6999 - LEGO instructies en catalogi database - LEGO Bauanleitungen - Jahr - In...


900-999 - LEGO Bauanleitungen und Kataloge Bibliothek - LEGO instructies en catalogi database - LEGO...

  • Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don’t know?

Many people I know don't know that I'm not Daniel but Andreas. My parents decided that two children with -as (Andreas and Jonas) are too complicated for long distance calls... 😉

Daniel Lippmann (@lippmann_daniel) | Twitter

Daniel Lippmann - Senior Consultant SAP Basis / SAP Solution Manager / SAP HANA - arvato Systems per...

Daniel Lippmann | LinkedIn

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