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Hi there,

in my blog here I collected just some facts how to ask. Of course, sometimes everybody of us do lose the sight of the wood for the trees and that is very ok. But please if you are new to the community and stumble over this blog take your time to read through it and also through the linked blogs. This will help you for sure.

The very first thing you have to do is to read trough the Rules of Engagement here:

The SCN Rules of Engagement

Before asking a technical question do the following:

-Search the web / SCN.

-Search SAPOSS to find a note.

-Read through the content SAP provides you at their Helpportal SAP Help Portal – The central place for SAP documentation.

-Test different things you got in your mind.

-Ask a colleague around you. (Sometimes you really will be surprised, for sure :wink: )

-Try to find an answer by reading the source code (of course, just if you’re a developer :razz: ).

I do not see a specific row in there, please just make sure you did all the mentioned things before you post. It is really annoying to find the answer by just copy paste the title into the search.

By the way: This blog explain how to use the search

How to use SCN search

When you ask

-Make it easy to reply

-A good question contains more than one sentence. (Most of the times :smile: )

-Finishing your query with “Answer will be provided with points…. ” makes it quite unlikely you will get an answer. (But this is a personal statement, so I’m not sure if everybody is with me)

Get the people involved and tell as much as you can about the issue you are fighting with. Also tell the people, what you have tried already. If possible, share some screens of the issue.

What to do during the time you wait for an answer

Check the answers regularly and update the status, which means, let the people know, that you are reading their response and you are trying to solve your problem by using it.

Update the issue, if you are getting closer to it, every flame in the dark might bring a solution to it.

After your question is solved or you have found your solution by your own

Share your solution, you also shared the question.

Mark your question as solved and mark the correct answer.

If you do not know how it works, please read trough this blog:

How to close a discussion and why

Ok, that’s it. Not a big thing but I really felt to share this basic instruction. Just did not found a summary.

