Hello fellow community members.
help us find a name for the podcast
It is with great pride that I can announce the first episode of the T
he Unofficial and unnamed SAP Community Podcast is now available.
This first podcast gives a brief introduction to why Former Member and myself started the podcast. Some important news from the community and then a blog show, where we go through three blogs and discuss them with a special secret guest.
You can subscribe to the podcast via the RSS feed
here or find it on i
tunes here
We hope you like it, the plan is to do one every month.
Also please reach out if you have a good name for the podcast.
Please comment on this blog or reach out to us on twitter via
@skemp or
[Update] Just realised that i forgot the links to the blogs. They are now in the description of the podcast as well as below
First blogpost in
dj.adams blog series