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Zoom feature for UI

Former Member
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One of my DW's is basically the user filling out a form. For this to be able to print on a single page the font size is7 to 8.  Thus my problem is that the UI on the screen will be challenging for anyone over 40. Is there some sort of Zoom functionality that is similar to most PDF viewers where you can click on a button to widen the UI to the full horizontal screen and than still print with the appropriate font size.  I need very crisp text on the screen and the printout.


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Former Member
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Hi Tom;

  This can get a little tricky as some DW types will not zoom, some only zoom in preview mode, and others zoom with no issues (unless you have embedded object in them.

  My suggestion is to look at my STD Framework OrderEntry application and see how it handles all of the above from one base ancestor. Plus, this technique works in PB, Appeon Web, Appeon Mobile, Winform and of course our nearly departed PB.Net product.

The framework also remembers every last DW's zoom percentage for each user and restores the DWO's to their last zoom settings and state when re-instantiated. The new framework version even zooms groups of DWO's in tandum, as per the lower example ...

FYI:  STD Foundation Classes - Browse /Applications/PowerBuilder/OrderEntry at

Feel free to use the framework or borrow my code for your applcaition implementation. Also, if you need more guidance on this subject, feel free to drop me an email.

Regards ... Chris

Former Member
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have you tried:

<DW Control Name>.Modify("DataWindow.Zoom='<magnification factor (i.e., 200 would make the DW display twice as large>'")

50 makes it half size

KR Ludwin

Former Member
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Adding to Ludwin's correct answer;

A fit-to-width type function is fairly easy to write:

     find the right-most object (text,line,oval,compute, column... x + width),

     add the margins (left and right) to get required width then

     the zoom percentage is the required width over the pbu width of the paper