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Your Web Intelligence idle connection has expired. Close this document and reopen it.

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In SAP BI 4.3, I have a WebI query that crashes the WIPS when executed, creating log files named '*.errorinfo' and '*.errorinfo.callstack'. The '*.errorinfo' log file contains informations such as 'Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION' and 'CURRENT_CMD: processDPCommandsEx'. The same query runs successfully when the number of returned rows is limited, so I believe this issue is related to memory. Could you help me resolve this problem?

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Dear Customer,

In fact, this error message "idle connection has expired"  when refreshing Webi Documents or working with specific queries, can be caused by several reasons...

Most likely, it can be solved increasing the Idle Connection Timeout by modifying the Web Intelligence Processing Server properties in the CMC.  

Considering that you have not informed the current Service Pack and Patch Release which you have installed, I would suggest you to review some KB Articles that may help you:

3340989 - Web Intelligence Processing Server crashes while opening a document with variables containing Report Filter formulas, the following error appears : "Web Intelligence idle connection has expired."

3363197 - "Web Intelligence idle connection has expired.” error in Web Intelligence document with variables containing “Input Control Filter” formulas.

3472325 - Error:"Web Intelligence idle connection has expired" appears when refreshing a web intelligence document

2014472 - Web Intelligence: Why is there no message when the Idle Connection Timeout limit has been reached?

1600861 - What is the "Idle Transient Object Timeout" parameter of the Connection Server?

3452777 - Memory leak when opening Web Intelligence reports

Regarding the errors found on Log files:   processDPCommandsEx: 

3252379 - Refreshing Web Intelligence Document, Google BigQuery Universe fails with "processDPCommandsEx" error

2992764 - An internal error occurred while calling 'processDPCommandsEx' API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270) when validating a custom SQL contains @prompt function in Web Intelligence 4.3

2948654 - Web Intelligence Processing Server crashes sporadically at int_initializeLOVParameterDependencies during document refresh in a Linux environment

If you are unable to solve this issue after reading these documents, please, provide us more details about your scenario (Data Source, DB, Query type, Operational System) and raise a Case with SAP Product Support for  BI-RA-WBI  Component.

Thank you!

SAP Technical Support.




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Thank you for your response.
I will review each of these notes and provide feedback.
The version being used is SAP BI 4.3 SP 4 Patch 3.
