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Workflow XML R/3 can't parse XML answer, need help for syntax

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all,

i got a serious problem with workflow XML. I's a lot of text.

What do we do:

In worflow for PR's, there is a web activity, that sends out informations to a domino server. Sending out and receiving the acknowledgement works. The web activity than waits, until a answer comes in.

Now, if the domino user releases or rejects the PR, domino sends a XML message to R/3. This message is the big problem!!

R/3 documentation is not clear in this case. The R/3 example shows this syntax

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<WfMessage Version="SAP.1.0">














<ANSWER>test successful</ANSWER>





Link to the example:

In that case, the "key" tag points to the external system, but has an "localkey" parameter, that holds the R/3 instance of the workflow task. "ProcessInstanceKey" seems to be the key for the external system. Completely confusing!!

Whenever we build our XML message in that way, we got the error 104 which means, that a process state change from [blank] to [blank] is not foreseen.

Can anybody help further?

Is there any document, that describes clear, how to build up such answer messages in WF XML?

Thanks in advance for the answers!!



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

doesn't anyone can help furter?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jens,

I don't have much experience with this. I only used a XML message to start a workflow and this worked fine. It was possible to generate the message which was expected. Is there any possibility to generate the message (or an example message) from the workitem?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Martin,

thank you for your reply!

Unfortunately, there is no way, to generate the incoming answer, because it comes from a domino server, who has implemented it through raw coding&MS XML. The only way to generate would be, to implement a workflow call from

Domino to R/3, but i think in this case, it will consume to much time and R/3 documentation seems to be definitely wrong.

Just have a look: is the WF-Initiator, the consumer, localkey from is a part of and the target in that case must be with this localkey.

I studied the Wf-XML specification and, allthough it uses a different dialect (1.1), it seems to be, that the Key-Tag and ProcessInstanceKey-Tag are wrong in R/3 documentation. The error codes thrown in our implementation are 104 in the XML response and 200 in HTTP response, so this indicates a wrong key-value.

We just want to implement a short test scenario, to proof our thing working, but my customer and the Domino developer are houndreds of miles away and time becomes very short from all sides. Every change on side of Domino seems to be a very complicated task and the developer wants a exact example of how to implement the interface, which i can't deliver ad hoc. Trial&error is a very bad idea in this case..

OSS call is opened now, hope, they respond quickly, because i only can set the call to middle priority, no production - but development stop.

